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Command line options

Zulko edited this page Jun 23, 2018 · 1 revision

relaxed v0.1.8

Quick launch

Simply type in a terminal:

relaxed my_doc.pug   # for documents defined in Pug, or
relaxed my_doc.html  # for documents defined in HTML

The output will then be written to my_doc.pdf. Importantly, ReLaXed runs an interactive session by default, meaning that after the first PDF generation, any change to files in the same directory will trigger a re-generation of the PDF. To simply build the document once (instead of having ReLaXed react to file changes), add --build-once or --bo to the command:

relaxed mydocument.pug --build-once

File auto-detection

You can simply type relaxed in a directory where your master .pug document is. If the directory contains only one .pug file, or if it contains a .pug file named master.pug or main.pug this file will automatically be used for PDF generation.

# Start a session in this directory
# Start a session in another directory with a master Pug file
relaxed path/to/directory

Displaying the manual

You can display the manual in the terminal with relaxed -h:

  Usage: relaxed <input> [output] [options]


    -V, --version            output the version number
    --no-sandbox             disable puppeteer sandboxing
    -w, --watch <locations>  Watch other locations (default: )
    -t, --temp [location]    Directory for temp file
    --bo, --build-once       Build once only, do not watch
    -l, --locals <json>      Json locals for pug rendering
    -h, --help               output usage information

Below are some longer descriptions of these options.

Watching other locations

If you would like ReLaXed to react to changes in other directories (outside of the watched directory), use the --watch option:

relaxed my_document --watch /some/other/dir /yet/another/dir

Custom temporary files locations

the temporary HTML file that will be printed as a PDF is saved by default under the same directory as your master document, as name_temp.htm where name is the name of the master document. This .htm file is practical for troubleshooting your layout or get quick updates (as it is generally rendered quicker than the final PDF).

To have this .htm document saved elsewhere, use --temp or -t:

relaxed mydoc.pug --temp /tmp/


ReLaXed accepts a --locals argument to feed Pug variables as JSON. This is particularly useful when launching a relaxed process programmatically, for instance to generate custom PDFs on a server.

relaxed mydoc.pug --build-once --locals {"name": "Marc"}

No sandboxing.

Some environments, in particular some Docker images, will not permit Puppeteer to run with sandboxing. Use the --no-sandboxing options in these cases

relaxed mydoc.pug --no-sandboxing