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We Share WiFi SDK Development Instructions 2.1.8

Update logs v2.1.8

  • Optimize SDK init process.
  • Fixed some bugs.
  • Fixed EAP WiFi bugs.

SDK Demo

  • Download the newest version of SDK demo from the Official Website Of WeShare SDK or Github
  • Note: Since the SDK demo is structured of Android Studio, the demo should be opened with Android Studio. Error will occur if open with eclipse.

Android studio package integration steps

1、In the build.gradle document of your app module, add:

dependencies {
    compile 'com.yiba:wifisdk:latest.release'
    //The latest.release refers to the newest version number.
    //It may also refers to the a specific version number, for example 2.1.5

To check the newest version number, please click jcenter

Please see a sample of the newest version as follows:

2、Init SDK on your Application class

//Add this code in your Application class

3、Open the WiFi interface

Intent intent = new Intent( MainActivity.this , YIbaWifiActivity.class) ;
startActivity( intent );

See below for an example

4、Common API instructions(Please note: The API below must be used in Android main Thread or mistakes will appear)

//Set token SDK.  please go to the official website ( to get.
//If the token is not set, you will not be able to get shared WiFi; SDK's partial functionality will not be used.
WiFiSDKManager.getInstance().setToken( this , "your app token");

//Get shared WiFi notification status:
//true:On     false:Off     Default setting:true.
 WiFiSDKManager.getInstance().getSharedWifiToggle( this ) ;

//Get shared WiFi notification status:
//true:On    false:Off     Default setting:true
//If you set as false, then you will not receive any notifications of free WiFi.
WiFiSDKManager.getInstance().setSharedWifiToggle( this , true );

//Get open WiFi notification status:
//true:On   false:Off     Default setting:true
 WiFiSDKManager.getInstance().getOpenWifiToggle( this ) ;

//Turn on/off open WiFi notification status:
//true:On   false:False   Default setting:true
//If you set as false, then you will not receive any notifications of open WiFi.
WiFiSDKManager.getInstance().setOpenWifiToggle( this , true );

//Get the notification bar display status:
//true:On   false:Off     Default setting:true
WiFiSDKManager.getInstance().getNotificationToggle( this ) ;

//Set the notification bar display status:
//true:On   false:Off     Default setting:true
//If the display status is set as false, the wifi notification in the notification center will disappear.
WiFiSDKManager.getInstance().setNotificationToggle( this , true );

//finish YIbaWifiActivity
WiFiSDKManager.getInstance().setYibaActivityFinish( context );

5、Custom Notification

5.1 If you need a custom notification, you need to close the default notification
//Close Share WiFi notification
WiFiSDKManager.getInstance().setSharedWifiToggle( this , false );
//Close Open WiFi notification
WiFiSDKManager.getInstance().setOpenWifiToggle( this , false );
5.2 Custom BroadcastReceive to receive SDK passed over the JSON data
public class NotificationReveicer extends BroadcastReceiver {
    public void onReceive(Context context, Intent intent) {
        String action = intent.getAction();
        //IntentConstant.ACTION_YIBA_WIFI_NOCIFICATION is the value of the Intent of our definition of action
        if (IntentConstant.ACTION_YIBA_WIFI_NOCIFICATION.equals(action)) {
            //IntentConstant.NOTIFICATION_JSON_DATA is the data we passed through Intent, the data is JSON
            //JSON data sample:{"type":0,"count":1}
            String json = intent.getStringExtra(IntentConstant.NOTIFICATION_JSON_DATA);
            //You can write custom notification code here
5.3 JSON data sample
JSON data sample, as:{"type":0,"count":1}

type value of 0, indicating that the Share WiFi type; type value of 1, indicating that the type of Open WiFi.

The count value indicates the number of WiFi types.
5.4 Registering the Custom BroadcastReceive in AndroidManifest.xml
<receiver android:name=".NotificationReveicer">
        <action android:name="com.yiba.action.ACTION_YIBA_WIFI_NOTIFICATION"/>

6、Custom UI

6.1、 How to customize the title UI in WiFi list interface

In your project create Layout XML File: yiba_wifi_custom_layout.xml

For example:

Please note:

  1. The name of the Layout XML File must be: yiba_wifi_custom_layout.xml and cannot be changed.
  1. Your project ID must contain android:id="@+id/yiba_custom_layou_fram". This cannot be deleted or changed. The function of the ID is to control the click event of back button and finish current activity
6.2、 How to customize the title of setting interface

In your project create a Layout XML File: yiba_wifi_custom_setting_layout.xml

For example:

Please note:

  1. The name of the Layout XML File must be yiba_wifi_custom_setting_layout.xml and cannot be changed
  1. Your project ID must contain android:id="@+id/yiba_custom_layou_setting". This cannot be deleted or changed. The function of the ID is to control the click event of back button and finish current activity.
6.3、 How to receive the click event for the returned icon

1、Add in your app module's AndroidManifest.xml

       <!--  Customize the broadcast receiver -->


            <intent-filter >
                <action android:name="yiba_activity_back_onclick"/>


2、Create a new YibaReceiver class

public class YibaReceiver extends BroadcastReceiver {

    public void onReceive(Context context, Intent intent) {
        if ( intent == null ) return;
        if( TextUtils.equals(intent.getAction(), "yiba_activity_back_onclick")) {
            //the back image is clicked

7、Code obfuscation instructions

7.1、Please make sure to add these in the document:
-keep class**{*;}
-keep class**{*;}