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Waku Blog

The template repository for blogs using logos-docusaurus-plugins

How to Run Locally

  1. Clone this repository
$ git clone
  1. Install the dependencies:
$ yarn install
  1. Start the website:
$ yarn start
  1. Visit http://localhost:3000/ in your browser

Blog Setup

The blog utilizes the Docusaurus blog plugin configured in docusaurus.config.js.

  /** @type {import('@docusaurus/plugin-content-blog').PluginOptions} */
    id: 'blog',
    routeBasePath: '/',
    path: 'posts',
    blogTitle: 'Waku Blog',
    blogSidebarCount: 0,
    authorsMapPath: 'authors.yml',
    remarkPlugins: [math],
    rehypePlugins: [katex],

A list of authors can be defined in /posts/authors.yml.

For additional customization options, please refer to the Docusaurus Blog Plugin documentation.

Adding posts

To publish in the blog, create a .md or mdx file within the posts directory. You can use Frontmatter to add metadata to your markdown file.


You can find instructions for adding additional documentation sections, implementing localization, and managing versioning on the Docusaurus website.

Please note that theme customization is somewhat restricted; for more detailed instructions on customizing your theme, visit the Logos Docusaurus Theme repository.


The hosting is done using Caddy server with Git plugin for handling GitHub webhooks.

Information about deployed build can be also found in /build.json available on the website.

Change Process

  1. Create a new working branch from develop: git checkout develop; git checkout -b my-changes.
  2. Make your changes, push them to the origin, and open a Pull Request against the develop branch.
  3. After approval, merge the pull request, and verify the changes on the staging server (e.g.,
  4. When ready to promote changes to the live website, rebase the master branch on the staging changes: git checkout master; git pull origin master; git rebase origin/develop; git push.