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Thierry Lelegard edited this page Nov 20, 2017 · 8 revisions

Welcome to the TSDuck Wiki

Please share your experience here.


A Wiki is the natural place for reference articles from the community. Useful articles include:

  • Use case descriptions, with explanatory comments and complete commands. Attaching shell scripts would be nice.
  • Technical details about standards which could be useful for others to implement plugins or enhance TSDuck.
  • Experience reports with DVB tuners or Dektec devices with TSDuck.
  • Local tuning information (satellite, terrestrial) and links to sites which provide them.
  • Any other useful information for TSDuck users.


In the absence of a discussion forum, this Wiki can also be used to ask questions or discuss topics. This is far from ideal but the TSDuck community is probably not large enough to deserve a dedicated discussion forum on some other site.

Please keep those discussion threads organised and well formatted. Specifically, use GitHub markdown to properly format commands and textual output from commands; the default proportional fonts are really a pain to read when analysing long command output.

Let's agree on a formatting convention. Each time you want to add a comment to a discussion thread, edit the corresponding Wiki page (click on Edit on the upper-right corner) and add your contribution at end of the text. Please an horizontal rule to separate your contribution from the rest of the article, include your GitHub '@' reference and the date.

Example markdown template:

- - -
@lelegard 2017-11-20

This is my comment.

Giving the following result:

@lelegard 2017-11-20

This is my comment.