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Small API for managing multilingual websites.


cLang ('c' abbr. for 'change') is a small API which you can use for cheap multilingual websites. It's using cookies and optimal for OnePages. No additional frameworks necessary, PHP 7.0.0+ required.


Use your CLI and enter the following to clone:
git clone

USAGE (Example)

(inc.php) Create an object:
Parameters: cookie name, default language and alternative language

require "cLang.class.php";
$clang = new cLang("language-cookie", "de", "en");

(index.php) Create a menu for subsites in both languages:

<?php include "inc.php"; ?>
<ul id=menu>
	<li><a href=index.php><?= $clang->check("NEUIGKEITEN","NEWS") ?></a></li> | 
	<li><a href=?contact><?= $clang->check("KONTAKT", "CONTACT") ?></a></li>

(index.php) Create a small simple UX to make visitors able to click and change language of the website:

<ul id=language>
	<li><a <?= $clang->active("de", "class=active-lang", true) ?> href=lang.php?lang=de>DE</a></li>
	<li><a <?= $clang->active("en", "class=active-lang") ?> href=lang.php?lang=en>EN</a></li>

(index.php) Write some text in both languages inside of the content on every page:

<section id=content>
		if (!count($_GET)) {
			echo "<h2>".$clang->check("Willkommen!","Welcome")."</h2>";
		} elseif (isset($_GET["contact"])) {
			echo "<h2>".$clang->check("Kontakt","Contact")."</h2>";

(lang.php) Now use the following PRG pattern to handle a $_GET request when someone chooses a language:

include "inc.php";
if (isset($_GET["lang"])) {
	if ($_GET["lang"] == $clang->get("default") || $clang->get("language")) {
header("Location: ".$_SERVER["HTTP_REFERER"]);


cLang::__construct(string $name, string $default, string $lang)

  • Choose a cookie name, a default language and another one that is supposed to be selected.

cLang::switch(string $lang)

  • This will switch to the selected language by re/placing its cookie.


  • Remove the cookie and the default language will be used upon page refresh.

cLang::get(string $param)

  • Return cookie name or language by using one of the following strings
    "name", "default", "language"

cLang::check(string $default, string $lang)

  • Return the content in the language that's currently set, otherwise it will pick default.

cLang::active(string $lang, string $style, $default = null)

  • Apply a CSS style to the active UX.
    Example: $clang->active("de", "class=active-lang", true)
    Use true as 3rd parameter if you would like to set the language as default.

🆕 A Demo has been added.

If you encounter any bugs, feel free to open up an issue, thank you.


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