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Implement a generic links & text extractor
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Before this, links would only be scraped from paragraphs and
rendered as a block after parent paragraph. This replaces this logic
with a generic links extractor that would recursively collect every link
from any parent node, including footnotes, blockquotes, and lists.

The renderer splits links block in three separate blocks, one
containing footnotes, the second containing images, and the third
links. Blocks are separated by a single line break.

This also makes the renderer skip link-only lists from rendering,
making them behave like links-only paragraphs (which are already
rendered as a series of consecutive links). The old behavior of
extracting links from links-only paragraphs (where the paragraph
itself is treated as just a set of links) remains, and can be still used.

The text extraction is also now unified across headings, paragraphs,
table headings, blockquotes, and other elements where it was used.
This fixes a number of bugs (like panicking on links inside headings)
and shortcomings where renderer would render text differently
based on container element type.

Fixes #17 and #23.
  • Loading branch information
tdemin committed Sep 3, 2021
1 parent 3a86f0f commit bcc3d8b
Showing 1 changed file with 157 additions and 102 deletions.
259 changes: 157 additions & 102 deletions internal/gemini/renderer.go
Expand Up @@ -49,7 +49,8 @@ var (
supClose = []byte(")")

var meaningfulCharsRegex = regexp.MustCompile(`\A[\s]+\z`)
// matches a FULL string that contains no non-whitespace characters
var emptyLineRegex = regexp.MustCompile(`\A[\s]*\z`)

const timestampFormat = "2006-01-02 15:04"

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -178,88 +179,142 @@ func (r Renderer) heading(w io.Writer, node *ast.Heading, entering bool) {
heading[gemtextHeadingLevelLimit] = ' '
for _, text := range node.Children {
r.text(w, node)
} else {

func extractLinks(node ast.Node) (stack []ast.Node) {
if node := node.AsContainer(); node != nil {
for _, subnode := range node.Children {
stack = append(stack, extractLinks(subnode)...)
switch node := node.(type) {
case *ast.Image:
stack = append(stack, node)
case *ast.Link:
stack = append(stack, node)
// footnotes are represented as links which embed an extra node
// containing footnote text; the link itself is not considered a
// container
if node.Footnote != nil {
stack = append(stack, extractLinks(node.Footnote)...)
return stack

func (r Renderer) renderLinks(w io.Writer, links []ast.Node) (count uint) {
for _, link := range links {
if link, ok := link.(*ast.Link); ok && link.Footnote == nil {, link, true)

func (r Renderer) renderFootnotes(w io.Writer, links []ast.Node) (count uint) {
for _, link := range links {
if link, ok := link.(*ast.Link); ok && link.Footnote != nil {, link, true)

func (r Renderer) renderImages(w io.Writer, links []ast.Node) (count uint) {
for _, link := range links {
if link, ok := link.(*ast.Image); ok {
r.image(w, link, true)

func (r Renderer) linksList(w io.Writer, links []ast.Node) {
for _, renderer := range []func(Renderer, io.Writer, []ast.Node) uint{
} {
linksRendered := renderer(r, w, links)
// ensure breaks between link blocks of the same type
if linksRendered > 0 {

func isLinksOnlyParagraph(node *ast.Paragraph) bool {
for _, child := range node.Children {
switch child := child.(type) {
case *ast.Text:
if emptyLineRegex.Find(child.Literal) != nil {
case *ast.Link, *ast.Image:
return false
return true

func isLinksOnlyList(node *ast.List) bool {
for _, child := range node.Children {
child, ok := child.(*ast.ListItem)
if !ok {
return false // should never happen
for _, liChild := range child.Children {
liChild, ok := liChild.(*ast.Paragraph)
if !ok {
return false // sublist, etc
if !isLinksOnlyParagraph(liChild) {
return false
return true

func (r Renderer) paragraph(w io.Writer, node *ast.Paragraph, entering bool) (noNewLine bool) {
linksOnly := isLinksOnlyParagraph(node)
noNewLine = linksOnly
if entering {
children := node.Children
linkStack := make([]ast.Node, 0, len(children))
// current version of gomarkdown/markdown finds an empty
// *ast.Text element before links/images, breaking the heuristic
if len(children) >= 2 {
firstChild := children[0]
_, elementIsText := firstChild.(*ast.Text)
asLeaf := firstChild.AsLeaf()
if elementIsText && asLeaf != nil && len(asLeaf.Literal) == 0 {
firstChild, elementIsText := children[0].(*ast.Text)
if elementIsText && len(firstChild.Literal) == 0 {
children = children[1:]
linksOnly := func() bool {
if !linksOnly {
for _, child := range children {
// only render links text in the paragraph if they're
// combined with some other text on page
switch child := child.(type) {
case *ast.Link, *ast.Image:
case *ast.Text:
// any meaningful text?
if meaningfulCharsRegex.Find(child.Literal) == nil {
return false
return false
return true
noNewLine = linksOnly
for _, child := range children {
// only render links text in the paragraph if they're
// combined with some other text on page
switch child := child.(type) {
case *ast.Link, *ast.Image:
if !linksOnly {
case *ast.Text, *ast.Code, *ast.Emph, *ast.Strong, *ast.Del, *ast.Link, *ast.Image:
r.text(w, child)
linkStack = append(linkStack, child)
case *ast.Text, *ast.Code, *ast.Emph, *ast.Strong, *ast.Del:
// the condition prevents text blocks consisting only of
// line breaks and spaces and such from rendering
if !linksOnly {
r.text(w, child)
case *ast.Subscript:
if !linksOnly {
case *ast.Subscript:
r.subscript(w, child, true)
case *ast.Superscript:
if !linksOnly {
case *ast.Superscript:
r.superscript(w, child, true)
if !linksOnly {
// render a links block after paragraph
if len(linkStack) > 0 {
if !linksOnly {
for _, link := range linkStack {
switch link := link.(type) {
case *ast.Link:, link, true)
case *ast.Image:
r.image(w, link, true)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -310,62 +365,49 @@ func (r Renderer) list(w io.Writer, node *ast.List, level int) {

func (r Renderer) text(w io.Writer, node ast.Node) {
var lineBreakCharacters = regexp.MustCompile(`[\n\r]+`)

func textWithNewlineReplacement(node ast.Node, replacement []byte) []byte {
buf := bytes.Buffer{}
delimiter := getNodeDelimiter(node)
// special case for footnotes: we want them in the text
if node, ok := node.(*ast.Link); ok && node.Footnote != nil {
fmt.Fprintf(w, "[^%d]", node.NoteID)
fmt.Fprintf(&buf, "[^%d]", node.NoteID)
if node := node.AsLeaf(); node != nil {
// replace all newlines in text with spaces, allowing for soft
// wrapping; this is recommended as per Gemini spec p. 5.4.1
w.Write([]byte(strings.ReplaceAll(string(node.Literal), "\n", " ")))
// replace all newlines in text with preferred symbols; this may
// be spaces for general text, allowing for soft wrapping, which
// is recommended as per Gemini spec p. 5.4.1, or line breaks
// with a blockquote symbols for blockquotes, or just nothing
buf.Write(lineBreakCharacters.ReplaceAll(node.Literal, replacement))
if node := node.AsContainer(); node != nil {
for _, child := range node.Children {
r.text(w, child)
// skip non-text child elements from rendering
switch child := child.(type) {
case *ast.List:
buf.Write(textWithNewlineReplacement(child, replacement))
return buf.Bytes()

func (r Renderer) text(w io.Writer, node ast.Node) {
w.Write(textWithNewlineReplacement(node, space))

// TODO: this really should've been unified with text(), but having two
// extra params for prefix/line breaks is not neat
func (r Renderer) blockquoteText(w io.Writer, node ast.Node) {
delimiter := getNodeDelimiter(node)
if node := node.AsLeaf(); node != nil {
// pad every line break with blockquote symbol
w.Write([]byte(bytes.ReplaceAll(node.Literal, lineBreak, quoteBrPrefix)))
if node := node.AsContainer(); node != nil {
for _, child := range node.Children {
r.blockquoteText(w, child)
w.Write(textWithNewlineReplacement(node, quoteBrPrefix))

func extractText(node ast.Node) string {
delimiter := getNodeDelimiter(node)
if node := node.AsLeaf(); node != nil {
return string(delimiter) + strings.ReplaceAll(string(node.Literal), "\n", " ") + string(delimiter)
if node := node.AsContainer(); node != nil {
b := strings.Builder{}
for _, child := range node.Children {
b.WriteString(string(delimiter) + extractText(child) + string(delimiter))
return b.String()
panic("encountered a non-leaf & non-container node")
return string(textWithNewlineReplacement(node, space))

func (r Renderer) tableHead(t *tablewriter.Table, node *ast.TableHeader) {
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -435,9 +477,11 @@ func (r Renderer) RenderNode(w io.Writer, node ast.Node, entering bool) ast.Walk
// container subroutines have to handle their subelements on
// themselves.
noNewLine := true
fetchLinks := false
switch node := node.(type) {
case *ast.BlockQuote:
r.blockquote(w, node, entering)
fetchLinks = true
case *ast.HorizontalRule:, node, entering)
case *ast.Heading:
Expand All @@ -449,6 +493,7 @@ func (r Renderer) RenderNode(w io.Writer, node ast.Node, entering bool) ast.Walk
case *ast.BlockQuote, *ast.ListItem, *ast.Footnotes:
noNewLine = r.paragraph(w, node, entering)
fetchLinks = true
case *ast.CodeBlock:
r.code(w, node)
Expand All @@ -460,16 +505,26 @@ func (r Renderer) RenderNode(w io.Writer, node ast.Node, entering bool) ast.Walk
_, parentIsDocument := node.Parent.(*ast.Document)
// footnotes are rendered as links after the parent paragraph
if !node.IsFootnotesList && parentIsDocument && !entering {
r.list(w, node, 0)
noNewLine = false
if !isLinksOnlyList(node) {
r.list(w, node, 0)
noNewLine = false
fetchLinks = true
case *ast.Table:
r.table(w, node, entering)
noNewLine = false
fetchLinks = true
if !noNewLine && !entering {
if fetchLinks && !entering {
links := extractLinks(node)
if len(links) > 0 {
r.linksList(w, links)
return ast.GoToNext

Expand Down

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