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Simon Frei edited this page Oct 31, 2021 · 5 revisions

This write-up was triggered by looking at defaults and that's the main concern right now. However it is not necessarily limited to that.

Note on terminology: "config users" means any 3rd party coming in contact with our config, notably wrappers and anyone scripting using the rest api.

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Consistent behaviour and meaning of config elements in Syncthing's codebase and on APIs/serialisation.

Status Quo


  • XML On disk config

  • JSON

  • protobuf
    Specification / Generation of go types.


Currently our handling of defaults is inconsistent:

Types of default values

  • Implicit
    The zero value means default, i.e. a default value gets used at runtime instead of zero.

  • Explicit

    • The string "default" is stored and translated to the actual defaults at runtime.

    • The actual default value is written to the config object.

Source of defaults

  • Tags from ext.default in protobuf.

  • Default values set in .prepare method on config objects.

  • Configuration getters (with Raw-prefix on the corresponding element).

  • "Consumer": Default value specified in code using the config, e.g. folder using defaultPullerPause if Folderconfiguration.PullerPauseS == 0.

Application of defaults

  • When creating a new config object.

  • When unmarshalling an entire config, defaults for options and GUI are applied, but not for folders and devices. When unmarshalling parts of the config (e.g. on /rest/config/options), no defaults are applied.

  • When changing config at runtime, .prepare is called on folders/devices which explicitly sets some defaults.

"Enabled-ness" (or "magic values")

Besides their actual value, 0 and < 0 may mean unlimited or disabled (both can mean both). Plus as seen above, the zero value can also represent some default.

In other places there e.g. FSWatcherEnabled and FSWatcherDelayS.

Potential Changes


Always use explicit defaults

When encountering a zero value replace it with the actual default value. We don't need to do anything special before/while deserialising and all defaults can be declared in protobuf with ext.default. Anyone looking at a config can directly see what values are actually used.


  • The zero value has a meaning (disabled) for some config elements.

  • Sometimes the default is only known at runtime (e.g. based on number of CPU cores).

(Not) Applying defaults on unset fields when deserialising

Applying defaults on unset fields only works fine for JSON with a bit of care, but is a pain if possible at all with XML [1]. In protobuf there's no such thing as an unset field (it's just a zero field). The only option that's consistent between all these is to not set defaults when deserialising. That's consistent with using explicit defaults and zero always being replaced by the default in a later step after deserialisation.

"Enabled-ness" (or "magic values")

Add "sibling" boolean elements

For elements where some value means disabled, instead represent that meaning by an additional config element (as in FSWatcherEnabled and FSWatcherDelayS).

Downside: Ugly and verbose. And requires changes by config users.

Use typed config elements

For elements where the value does not unambiguously represent its meaning, make them a type with. E.g. something generic like having a state field that has a value from an enum with values like enabled, disabled, unlimited (and maybe default for runtime defaults). Or just element specific types with simple fields (simple as in bool, int, ... fields, not enums). The advantage is that all meaning is in the config declaration, no meaning encoded in value i.e. a config user doesn't need to know what the value means.

Downside: Requires changes by config users.



  • Move all default values currently specified as variables/constants in Go to an ext.default field in protobuf. Apply these values on directly on config elements (instead of translating the zero value to the default at runtime). Unless of course the zero value has a meaning of it's own (see Always use explicit defaults).



[1] Details are gory, but the main gist is: The approach with JSON is deserialising once to get a [][]byte for all the folders, then iterating over that and applying defaults before deserialising individual folders. Doing something similar with xml's ,innerxml fail because of the "inner": We lose the attributes. That can likely be solved using ,any,attr to get attributes and apply them after deserialisation, but it becomes complicated and xml specific.