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25 sponsored developers and organizations loaded.
The Odoo Community Association, or OCA, is a nonprofit organization whose mission is to promote the widespread use of Odoo and to support the collaborative development of Odoo features.
My name is Ania Kubow and I am a Software Developer and YouTuber who has a passion for creating collaborative projects.
Community helper, speaker, geek, former Microsoft MVP. Working on Xamarin.Forms and .NET MAUI at Microsoft.
I’ve created attrs, structlog, and many more Python libraries, while contributing to even more FOSS projects including CPython and Twisted. I also blog, speak, and mentor on Python- and DevOps-related topics.
I'm a software developer and open source contributor involved mostly in fields like Computer Vision, Face Detection and all that sort of Image Processing works. I'm also developing various CLI tools and computer graphics applications.
I am writing code and prose to change the world. Amazing creations and knowledge should be in the hands of all people to bring forth a better world and understanding of humanity.
bitfire web engineering is a small company from Austria focusing on open-source software. Our main project is DAVx⁵, a FOSS sync solution for Contacts, Calendars and Tasks (+Notes and Journals) empowering decentralization and data sovereignty.
The hpc-social resources provide an open platform for community engagement, including a variety of open source work on code and resources hosted on the domain and associated community capabilities.
Project Lombok helps Java developers to get rid of most of their boilerplate code, providing battle proven implementations. With your support, we can keep our product up-to-date, and remove even more boilerplate code.
Specialized IT security company focusing on Cyber Defense. We assist detection engineers & incident responders with real-world expertise. Committed to open source, sharing ideas through published projects for collective cybersecurity advancement.
Independent developer/architect. I care & tweet about JavaScript, automation, tooling, performance & open source.
Hi! I'm Jonathan Bakebwa. I'm building `@chakra-ui/vue`, `breadstick` and other Vue utility libraries.
The thoughtful, capable, and ethical replacement for Windows and macOS—plus AppCenter, the pay-what-you-can app store. Sponsor elementary on GitHub to fund the development of Open Source software and get sweet rewards!
I'm the author/maintainer of howler.js, the most widely used audio library for the web. I also maintain a variety of other open source JavaScript libraries spanning games, web and server-side tools.
#VetsWhoCode is a veteran-led and operated 501(c)(3) charitable non-profit that focuses on training veterans in web development and software engineering principles free of charge.
Over the past year I have built and maintained a set of Visio stencils for Microsoft Azure and related services on behalf of the technical community. These stencils are fully functional and as up to date as possible.
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