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The default Gatsby starter converted to TypeScript with realtime Framer X component support.

💻 Demo

🚀 Quick Start - Installation

Install the GatsbyJS CLI.

npm i -g gatsby-cli

Install this starter (assuming Gatsby is installed) by running from your CLI.

gatsby new gatsby-starter-framer-x

Change directories into site folder.

cd gatsby-starter-framer-x

Start development server.

npm run develop

ℹ For an overview of the project structure please refer to the Gatsby documentation - Building with Components

👨‍💻 Getting started

After you have installed this starter you can do the following things.

Start with Framer X

You can open src/framerx.framerfx like a normal Framer X project and do everything Framer X has to offer. All code components from framer are saved in src/framerx.framerfx/code/ and you can access them easily with any code editor.

Run a local development server

npm run develop 

Build a production ready site

npm run build

Getting started with Framer X code components

Easy way get started with your first Framer X code component:

  1. Create a new component file in src/framerx/ or copy the existing ExampleComponent.
  2. Import it in a page like src/pages/index.tsx and use it like an ordinary React component:
    // src/pages/index.tsx
    import { ExampleComponent } from '../framerx/ExampleComponent';
    export default class extends React.Component<IndexPageProps, {}> {
      constructor(props: IndexPageProps, context: any) {
        super(props, context)
      public render() {
        return (
            <h1>Hi people</h1>
            <ExampleComponent text="This is a Framer X Component"/>          
  3. Import it in your Framer X code component src/framerx.framerfx/code/ExampleComponent:
    // Import the component with types for props
    import { ExampleComponent as _ExampleComponent, ExampleComponentProps } from "../../framerx/ExampleComponent";
    // Create a new class component with the right types
    export class ExampleComponent extends React.Component<ExampleComponentProps, any> {
      // Return the component contents in JSX
      render() {
        return <_ExampleComponent {...this.props}/>;
      // Add Framer UI for this component (in the properties panel)
      static propertyControls: PropertyControls<ExampleComponentProps> = {
      text: { type: ControlType.String, title: "Text" }
  4. If you do any changes to your code component in src/framerx/, it will be reflected in the browser and Framer X at the same time.


Deploy to Netlify


A GatsbyJS starter connected to Framer X







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