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Releases: rstudio/reticulate

reticulate 1.37.0

21 May 15:18
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  • Interrupting Python no longer leads to segfaults.
    (#1601, fixed in #1602)

  • Print method for Python callables now includes the callable’s signature.
    (#1605, #1607)

  • Reticulate now installs successfully on Windows ARM64.
    (#1609, contributed by @andrjohns)

  • virtualenv_starter() no longer warns when encountering broken symlinks.

  • Fixed issue where configuration for reticulate conda_* functions
    to use the executable mamba instead of conda was ignored.
    (#1608, contributed by @AlexandreGuinaudeau)

reticulate 1.36.1

23 Apr 11:39
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  • Fix issue where py_to_r() method for Pandas DataFrames would error
    if py_to_r() S3 methods were defined for Pandas subtypes,
    (as done by {anndata}) (#1591).

  • "Python Dependencies" vignette edits (@salim-b, #1586)

  • Added an option for extra command-line arguments in
    conda_create() and conda_install() (#1585).

  • Fixed issue where conda_install() would ignore user-specified
    channels during Python installation (#1594).

reticulate 1.36.0

15 Apr 13:19
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  • Internal refactoring and optimization now give a faster experience,
    especially for workflows that frequently access Python objects from R.
    For example, simple attribute access like sys$path is ~2.5x times faster, and
    a sample workload of py_to_r(np_array(1:3) + np_array(1:3)) benchmarks
    ~3.5x faster when compared to the previous CRAN release.

  • Fixed issue where callable python objects created with convert = FALSE would not be
    wrapped in an R function (#1522).

  • Fixed issue where py_to_r() S3 methods would not be called on arguments supplied to
    R functions being called from Python (#1522).

  • install_python() will now build optimized versions of Python on macOS and Linux (#1567)

  • Default Python version installed by install_python() is now 3.10 (was 3.9) (#1574).

  • Output of reticulate::py_last_error() now includes a hint, showing how to access
    the full R call stack (#1572).

  • Fixed an issue where nested py_capture_output() calls result in a lost reference
    to the original sys.stdout and sys.stderr, resulting in no further visible output
    from Python, and eventually, a segfault. (#1564)

  • Fixed issues reported by rchk, as requested by CRAN (#1581).

  • py_to_r(x) now returns x unmodified if x is not a Python object,
    instead of signaling an error.

  • New method exported for Python Polars DataFrames (#1568)

  • Fixed an issue where printing a delayed module (import("foo", delay_load = TRUE))
    would output <pointer: 0x0>.

  • py_validate_xptr() will now attempt to resolve delayed modules before
    signaling an error (#1561).

  • R packages can now express multiple preferred Python environments to
    search for and use if they exist, by supplying a character vector to import():
    import("foo", delay_load = list(environment = c("r-foo", "r-bar"))) (#1559)

  • Reticulate will no longer warn about ignored use_python(,required = FALSE) calls (#1562).

  • reticulate now prefers using the agg matplotlib backend when the R session
    is non-interactive. The backend can also be overridden via the MPLBACKEND or
    RETICULATE_MPLBACKEND environment variables when necessary (#1556).

  • attr(x, "tzone") attributes are (better) preserved when converting POSIXt to Python.
    POSIXt types with a non-empty tzone attr convert to a datetime.datetime,
    otherwise they convert to NumPy datetime64[ns] arrays.

  • Fixed an issue where calling py_set_item() on a subclassed dict would
    not invoke a custom __setitem__ method.

  • py_del_attr(x, name) now returns x invisibly

  • source_python() no longer exports the r symbol to the R global environment.
    (the "R Interface Object" that is used by Python code get a reference to the
    R globalenv())

  • Fixed hang encountered (sometimes) when attempting to call iterate()
    on an exhausted py_iterator() object multiple times (#1539).

  • iterate(simplify=TRUE) rewritten in C for speed improvements (#1539).

  • Update for Pandas 2.2 deprecation of Index.format() (#1537, #1538).

  • Updates for CRAN R-devel (R 4.4) (#1554).

  • Fixed an issue where py_discover_config() would discover python (v2) on the PATH
    in preference of python3 on the PATH. (#1547)

  • Fixed an issue where reticulate would error when using conda environments created
    with the (new) conda env create command. (#1535, #1543)

  • Fixed an issue where reticulate would error when using a conda environment
    where the original conda binary that was used to create the environment
    is no longer available (#1555)

  • Fixed an issue where a user would be unable to accept the prompt to create
    the default "r-reticulate" venv (#1557).

  • is_py_object() is now exported (#1573).

reticulate 1.35.0

01 Feb 13:33
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  • Subclassed Python list and dict objects are no longer automatically converted
    to R vectors. Additionally, the S3 R class attribute for Python objects is
    now constructed using the Python type(object) directly, rather than from the
    object.__class__ attribute. See #1531 for details and context.

  • R external pointers (EXTPTRSXP objects) now round-trip through
    py_to_r(r_to_py(x)) successfully.
    (reported in #1511, fixed in #1519, contributed by @llaniewski).

  • Fixed issue where virtualenv_create() would error on Ubuntu 22.04 when
    using the system python as a base. (#1495, fixed in #1496).

  • Fixed issue where csc_matrix objects with unsorted indices could not be
    converted to a dgCMatrix. (related to #727, fixed in #1524, contributed by @rcannood).

  • Added support for partially unexpanded variables like $USER in
    XDG_DATA_HOME and similar (#1513, #1514)

Knitr Python Engine Changes:

  • The knitr python engine now formats captured python exceptions to include the
    exception type and any exception notes when chunk options
    error = TRUE is set (reported in #1520, fixed in #1527).

  • Fixed an issue where the knitr python engine would fail to include
    figures from python chunks if a custom root.dir chunk option was set.
    (reported in #1526, fixed in #1529)

  • knitr engine gains the ability to save chunk figures in multiple files/formats
    (Contributed by @Rumengol in #1507)

  • Fixed an issue where matplotlib figures generated in the initial chunk
    where matplotlib was first imported would be the wrong size
    (reported in #1523, fixed in #1530)

  • Fixed an issue where the knitr engine would not correctly display altair
    compound charts if more than one were present in a document (#1500, #1532).

reticulate 1.34.0

16 Oct 15:45
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Increment version number to 1.34.0

reticulate 1.32.0

12 Sep 10:47
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  • reticulate now supports casting R data.frames to Pandas data.frames using nullable
    data types, allowing users to preserve NA's from R atomic vectors. This feature is
    opt-in and can be enabled by setting the R option reticulate.pandas_use_nullable_dtypes
    to TRUE. (#1439)

  • reticulate now exports a chooseOpsMethod() method, allowing for Ops dispatch
    to more specialized Ops methods defined for Python objects.

  • py_discover_config() will now warn instead of error upon encountering a
    broken Python installation. (#1441, #1459)

  • Fixed issue where Python would raise exception "OSError: [WinError 6] The handle is invalid"
    when opening a subprocess while running in Rstudio on Windows. (#1448, #518)

  • Fixed issue where the multiprocessing Python module would crash or hang when spawning a
    Process() on Windows. (#1430, #1346, fixed in #1461)

  • Fixed issue where virtualenv_create() would fail to discover a 'virtualenv' module
    in the system Python installation on Ubuntu. Reticulate will no longer discover
    and attempt to use the venv module stub present on Ubuntu systems
    where the python3-venv apt package has not been installed.
    (mlverse/pysparklyr#11, #1437, #1455)

  • Fixed issue where the user was prompted to create an 'r-reticulate' venv
    in the RStudio IDE before reticulate was requested to initialize Python. (#1450, #1456)

  • Improved error message when reticulate attempts to initialize a virtual environment
    after the Python installation it was created from is no longer available. (#1149, #1457)

  • Improved error message on Fedora when attempting to create a virtual environment
    from the system python before running dnf install python3-pip.

  • Fixed issue where install_python() on macOS in the RStudio IDE would fail to discover
    and use brew for Python build dependencies.

  • Fixed error with virtualenv_create(python = "/usr/bin/python") on centos7. (#1467)

reticulate 1.31

15 Aug 12:33
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Python Installation Management

  • reticulate will no longer prompt users to install miniconda. Instead,
    reticulate will now prompt users to create a default r-reticulate venv.

  • The search that reticulate conducts to select which Python installation to load
    has changed. See the updated Python "Order of Discover" in the "versions" vignette.
    vignette("versions", package = "reticulate").

  • Updated recommendations in the "python_dependencies" vignette for how R packages
    can approach Python dependency management.
    vignette("python_dependencies", package = "reticulate")

  • New function virtualenv_starter(), which can be used to find a suitable
    python binary for creating a virtual environmnent. This is now the default
    method for finding the python binary when calling
    virtualenv_create(version = <version>).

  • virtualenv_create() and virtualenv_install() gain a requirements argument,
    accepting a filepath to a python requirements file.

  • virtualenv_create() gains a force argument.

  • virtualenv_install() gains a python_version argument, allowing users to customize
    which python version is used when bootstrapping a new virtual environment.

  • Fixed an issue where the list of available python versions used by
    install_python() would be out-of-date.

  • install_python() now gives a better error message if git is not installed.

  • install_python() on macOS will now will use brew, if it's available, to install
    build dependencies, substantially speeding up python build times.

  • New function conda_search(), contributed by @mkoohafkan in PR #1364.


  • New [ and [<- methods that invoke Python __getitem__, __setitem__ and
    __delitem__. The R generics [ and [<- now accept python-style slice
    syntax like x[1:2:3]. See examples in ?py_get_item.

  • py_iterator() gains a prefetch argument, primarily to avoid deadlocks
    where the main thread is blocked, waiting for the iterator, which is waiting
    to run on the main thread, as encountered in TensorFlow/Keras. (#1405).

  • String columns from Pandas data frames containing None, pd.NA or np.nan
    are now simplified into character vectors and missing values replaced by NA

  • Converting from Pandas data frames containing columns with Pandas nullable
    data types are now correctly converted into R data.frames preserving the
    missing values (#1427).


  • The knitr engine gains a jupyter_compat option, enabling
    reticulate to better match the behavior of Jupyter. When this chunk
    option is set to TRUE, only the return value from the last
    expression in a chunk is auto-printed. (#1391, #1394, contributed by

  • The knitr engine now more reliably detects and displays matplotlib
    pending plots, without the need for a matplotlib artist object to be
    returned as a top-level expression. E.g., the knitr engine will now
    display plots when the matplotlib api returns something other than
    an artist object, (, or the matplotlib return value is
    not auto-printed due to being assigned, (x = plt.plot()), or
    suppressed with a ;, (plt.plot();). (#1391, #1401, contributed
    by @matthew-brett)

  • Fixed an issue where knitr engine would not respect chunk options
    fig.width / fig.height when rendering matplotlib plots. (#1398)

  • Fixed an issue where the reticulate knitr engine would not capture output
    printed from python. (PR #1412, fixing #1378, #331)


  • Reticulate now periodically flushes python stdout and stderr buffers even
    while the main thread is blocked executing Python code. Streaming output
    from a long-running Python function call will now appear in the R console
    while the Python function is still executing. (Previously, output might not
    appear until the Python function had finished and control of the main thread
    had returned to R).

  • Updated sparse matrix conversion routines for compatibility with
    scipy 1.11.0.

  • Fixed an issue where a py capsule finalizer could access the R API from
    a background thread. (#1406)

  • Fixed issue where R would segfault (crash) in long-lived R sessions where both
    rpy2 and reticulate were in use (#1236).

  • Fixed an issue where exceptions from reticulate would not be formatted properly
    when running tests under testthat (r-lib/rlang#1637, #1413).

  • Fixed an issue where py_get_attr(silent = TRUE) would not return an R NULL,
    if the attribute was missing, as documented. (#1413)

  • Fixed an issue where py_get_attr(silent = TRUE) would leave a python global
    exception set if the attribute was missing, resulting in fatal errors when
    running python under debug mode. (#1396)

reticulate 1.30

13 Jun 20:27
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  • Fix compilation error on R 3.5.
  • Update minimum R version dependency to 3.5.

reticulate 1.29

05 Jun 23:47
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Exceptions and Errors:

  • R error information (call, message, other attributes) is now
    preserved as an R error condition traverses the R <-> Python boundary.

  • Python Exceptions now inherit from error and condition, and can be
    passed directly to base::stop() to signal an error in R and raise an
    exception in Python.

  • Raised Python Exceptions are now used directly to signal an R error.
    For example, in the following code, e is now an object that
    inherits from python.builtin.Exception as well as error and condition:

    e <- tryCatch(py_func_that_raises_exception(),
                  error = function(e) e)

    Use base::conditionCall() and base::conditionMessage() to access
    the original R call and error message.

  • py_last_error() return object contains r_call, r_trace and/or
    r_class if the Python Exception was raised by an R function called
    from Python.

  • The hint to run reticulate::py_last_error() after an exception
    is now clickable in the RStudio IDE.

  • Filepaths to Python files in the print output from py_last_error() are
    now clickable links in the RStudio IDE.

  • Python exceptions encountered in repl_python() are now printed with the
    full Python traceback by default. In the RStudio IDE, filepaths in the tracebacks
    are rendered as clickable links. (#1240)


  • Converted Python callables gain support for dynamic dots from the rlang package.
    New features:

    • splicing (unpacking) arguments: fn(!!!kwargs)
    • dynamic names: nm <- "key"; fn("{nm}" := value)
    • trailing commas ignored (matching Python syntax): fn(a, ) identical to fn(a)
  • New Ops group generics for Python objects:
    +, -, *, /, ^, %%, %/%, &, |, !, %*%.
    Methods for all the Ops group generics are now defined for Python objects. (#1187, #1363)
    E.g., this now works:

    np <- reticulate::import("numpy", convert = FALSE)
    x <- np$array(1:5)
    y <- np$array(6:10)
    x + y
  • Fixed two issues with R comparison operator methods
    (==, !=, <, <=, >=, >):

    • The operators no longer error on Python objects that define "rich comparison"
      Python methods that don't return a single bool. (e.g., numpy arrays).
    • The operators now respect the 'convert' value of the supplied Python objects.
      Note, this may be a breaking change as, e.g, ==, may now no long return
      an R scalar logical if one of the Python object being compared was created
      with convert = FALSE. Wrap the result of the comparison with py_bool() to
      restore the previous behavior.
      (#1187, #1363)
  • R functions wrapping Python callables now have formals matching
    those of the Python callable signature, enabling better
    autocompletion in more contexts (#1361).

  • new nameOfClass() S3 method for Python types, enabling usage:
    base::inherits(x, <python-type-object>) (requires R >= 4.3.0)

  • py_run_file() and source_python() now prepend the script directory to
    the Python module search path, sys.path, while the requested script is executing.
    This allows the Python scripts to resolve imports of modules defined in the
    script directory, matching the behavior of python <script> at the command line.


  • The knitr engine now suppresses warnings from Python code if
    warning=FALSE is set in the chunk options. (quarto-dev/quarto#125, #1358)

  • Fixed issue where reticulate's knitr engine would attach comments in a
    code chunk to the wrong code chunk (requires Python>=3.8) (#1223).

  • The knitr Python engine now respects the strip.white option (#1273).

  • Fixed issue where the knitr engine would show an additional plot from a chunk
    if the user called (#1380, #1383)


  • py_to_r() now succeeds when converting subtypes of the built-in
    types (e.g. list, dict, str). (#1352, #1348, #1226, #1354, #1366)

  • New pillar::type_sum() method now exported for Python objects. That ensures
    the full object class name is printing in R tracebacks and tibbles
    containing Python objects.

  • py_load_object() gains a convert argument. If convert = FALSE,
    the returned Python object will not be converted to an R object.

  • Fixed error r_to_py() with Pandas>=2.0 and R data.frames with a
    factor column containing levels with NA.

  • r_to_py() now succeeds for many additional types of R objects.
    Objects that reticulate doesn't know how to convert are presented to
    the Python runtime as a pycapsule (an opaque pointer to the underlying
    R object). Previously this would error.
    This allows for R code to pass R objects that cannot be safely
    converted to Python through the Python runtime to other R code.
    (e.g, to an R function called by Python code). (#1304)

  • reticulate gains the ability to bind to micromamba Python installations
    (#1378, #1176, #1382, #1379, thanks to Zia Khan, @zia1138)

  • Default Python version used by install_miniconda() and friends
    is now 3.9 (was 3.8).

reticulate 1.28

27 Jan 21:20
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  • Fixed issue where source_python() (and likely many other entrypoints)
    would error if reticulate was built with Rcpp 1.0.10. Exception and
    error handling has been updated to accommodate usage of R_ProtectUnwind().
    (#1328, #1329).

  • Fixed issue where reticulate failed to discover Python 3.11 on Windows. (#1325)

  • Fixed issue where reticulate would error by attempting to bind to
    a cygwin/msys2 installation of Python on Windows (#1325).