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/ hernia Public archive

MIGRATED TO - THIS IS AN ARCHIVED VERSION... The highly opinionated wannabe-love-child of FAI, Ansible & Heroku

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What is it

A configurable server provision & (re)deployment tool. All pre-commit automation happens via recursive Makefiles, all provisioning is done via ssh, and all deployment is done within a git receive-hook (which is setup during provision, along with the git repo).

To provision a server

  • Ensure that DNS settings for your domain are correct and consistent with what Hernia will expect (otherwise setup of things like email and certbot will fail). First copy zonefile.txt.template to zonefile.txt and edit the placeholder values. This is sourced for meaningful defaults, and can also be used as a BIND zonefile, or at least for reference when setting up DNS records.

  • Fire up a minimal Debian Jessie ssh-server the usual way. If you don't have ssh access at all (only console-login access as root e.g. over VNC) then do the following as root manually (enter new password twice when prompted). The edit to PermitRootLogin is necessary on a vanilla Debian install as the default setting is "without-password":

     apt-get --yes install ssh
     sed -i -re 's/^(#*[ \t]*)?PermitRootLogin[ \t].*$/PermitRootLogin yes/' \
     service ssh restart
  • Once any of the following are setup the provision script will do the rest: root-password-ssh, root-key-ssh, $USER_NAME-password-ssh, or $USER_NAME-key-ssh. If $USER_NAME-key-ssh isn't already setup manually, you must have your private & public key in their usual location in your local .ssh dir - the public key will be copied to the server. $USER_NAME is what you enter in the prompt at the start of provision. Of course if starting from password-access you will be required to enter the password once after answering the prompts, then the rest will be non-interactive.

  • To customize deployments edit & commit changes to the files in vars/. They are iterated in alphanumeric order. Each variable is self-explanatory, or has explanatory comments.

  • Copy to & for private data edit that file, but don't try to commit it - it is gitignored anyway, and will be scp-ed separately to the server. The template file is in git though.

  • Run "hernia/" from the base of the local git repo, answering the prompts at the beginning.

  • The server repo should now be setup to auto-deploy whenever you do "git push vm", and if you answered "yes" to the trigger-a-deploy question, then a first deploy will automatically run at the end of provisioning.

  • All steps of provision & deployment should be idempotent with adequate rollback for failures, so you should be able to just rerun after a failed or interrupted provision or deploy, and/or after completion. Re-deployment will auto-trigger whenever a git push is done to the server. This will of course overwrite any manual edits made in the hernia-controlled config-dirs, so don't do that.

  • Be warned that provisioning is designed to be run on a new server, or to effectively "reset" a used server. Therefore it purges packages down to a known starting point and deployment then works up from there, so if you run provision on a heavily loaded/pre-configured server, expect to lose a lot of existing data. Things like existing users & homedirs are retained though.

Directory layout of the deployed files

For each config dir updated by Hernia during deployment (by "new", "add" or "patch") the layout on the filesystem will be:

"dir"                    = symlink -> "dir.[LATEST_TIMESTAMP]"
"dir.[LATEST_TIMESTAMP]" = directory
"dir.0"                  = pre-deployment directory

If the directory was also updated during provisioning, then:

"dir.-1"                 = pre-provisioning directory

The timestamp in the directory-names will be the unix-time of when the deployment was made (not of the latest commit). The symlinks are to allow easy atomic deploy and manual rollback (by changing the symlink) if something goes wrong when using the new configuration. For manual rollback two useful commands are:

ls -ltd "$dir".*
ln -nfsT "$(basename "$dir").[TIMESTAMP_YOU_WANT]" "$dir"

How each tool works

  • Makefile

    • (see below) sets up a git pre-commit hook which runs "make" in the basedir. This can be used to auto-build/check dependent files before commit. It can also be run manually of course. One common idiom is that README/TODO files are edited in the markdown files, and "make" generates the html files.

    • Gets a bare minimal debian jessie server up to a usable point for deployment:

      • Key-based user-ssh access

      • Passwordless sudo for the user

      • The repo as a bare-remote on the server

      • Packages necessary for deploy steps installed

      • The post-receive hook in place to trigger auto-deploys on git-push

      • Email configured to encrypted-send logs, cron-output, etc to your configured address

    • Triggers a first deployment if requested

  • receive-hook

    • checks repo is on correct branch

    • updates itself from repo if necessary

    • extracts hernia-files, etc from repos to tempfiles for use

    • runs deploy tool as root

    • runs run tool as root (if configured to)


    • makes necessary config changes (e.g. apt)

    • installs configured packages

    • checks/sets-up deploy-directory structure

    • exports files from git

    • modifies config file if configured to

    • does post-deploy actions if any are configured


    • runs daemon with configured options
  • &

    • supplemental files sourced by the other hernia tools

    • should be copied to (gitignored), then edited, and gets copied to /root/ by (some auto-vars are also injected during provision)
  • zonefile.txt.template

    • should be copied to (gitignored) zonefile.txt, then edited, and gets sourced for meaningful defaults for provision & deploy (and can be used as a BIND-style zonefile if you want, or at least should be consistent with your DNS settings)

Other notes

  • For my own purposes this does what I want, but for more general purposes I would class it somewhere between Alpha and Beta. I have refined it to behave quite robustly, but some steps are still quite "opinionated", and could do with being more user-friendly/generic, and making less case-specific presumptions.


MIGRATED TO - THIS IS AN ARCHIVED VERSION... The highly opinionated wannabe-love-child of FAI, Ansible & Heroku







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