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Yummy Yam Hugo theme

A theme for Hugo server


You can find a full demonstration of Yummy Yam at this address:


Yummy Yam is half a theme and half a framework.

A theme that generate main menu and titles.

A framework to easily develop a web page with useful librairies and Hugo server.

Yummy Yam provides:

  1. a single main page with many sections highly customizable with HTML, Scss and Javascript
  2. JQuery, Bootstrap and Fontawesome librairies
  3. dynamic pages for blog posts: still under development...


1. Create a new Hugo site

cd my_new_web_site
hugo new site ./

2. Import last version of Yummy Yam

# From "my_new_web_site"
cd themes
git clone

3. Setup your web site with the example from Yummy Yam

# From "my_new_web_site/theme"
cp yummy-yam/example/* ../

This command initializes a default configuration for your web site, adds default images for Yummy Yam and creates default content.

Run Yummy Yam

To create your web site use the following command:

# From "my_new_web_site"
hugo server

Your web site is now available at this address: http://localhost:1313

Export your site

To export your site a static web site use the following command:

# From "my_new_web_site"
hugo --cleanDestinationDir

The resulting web site is into public folder.

How to use Yummy Yam

All documentation about how to use Yummy Yam is also available in yummy-yam/example/content/*. This documentation is then displayed as default content of your web page after the first installation of Yummy Yam.

Configure your web site

The file config.toml contains many important informations for Yummy Yam.

baseURL = ''
languageCode = 'fr-FR'
title = 'Web site title'
theme = 'yummy-yam'
disableKinds = ["taxonomy", "term", "RSS"]
enableRobotsTXT = true
contentDir = 'content'

	author = "Author"
	description = "Web site description"
	keywords = "key, words"
	customJS = "custom-js.js"
	language = "french"

		name = '<title>'
		url = '<file>'
		weight = 1

	changefreq = 'monthly'
	filename = 'sitemap.xml'
  • baseURL: the URL used to generate links when you export your web site

  • languageCode: defines language in head section

  • title: web site title

  • [params] author: author of the web site

  • [params] description: used in head section

  • [params] keywords: used in head section

  • [params] customJS: the name of your custom Javascript file in static/js folder

  • [params] language: chose french or english language in footer

  • [menu.main]: setup all entry in main menu. Name is the title displayed in header. url is id of the section it refers. Weight is the ordre in menu.

> Sections

In Yummy Yam a section is a file stored in content folder. All sections are sorted following their weight. The first section is placed in first position because its weight is 1. All sections with weight 0 are not included.

If a section has a title in heading, it is automatically included as a title in the HTML body.

> Images, Javascript and CSS

You don't have to modify the theme to modify your web site!


You can change all default images used by Yummy Yam in folder your-site/static/img/theme.


You can add your own script in your-site/static/js/custom-js.js. You can configure this file in [params] customJS in your config.toml file.


You can add your own Scss properties in your-site/static/sass/. Yummy Yam automatically import all content from your-site/static/sass/all.scss. A good practice is placing your Scss in different files and import them from all.scss. You can already find an example to customise the last section.

Yummy Yam already includes JQuery version 3.6.3, Bootstrap version 5.2.3 and Fontawesome version 6.2.1. Do not hesitate to use and use them again.

Default CSS classes

Do not hesitate to have a look in defaults Scss properties in: your-site/themes/yummy-yam/assets/sass. The most important classes are placed in common.scss:

  • a
  • content
  • section
  • star
  • title
  • subtitle
  • paragraph
  • link

The default CSS have been design to be responsive for all screens in any orientation.

> Setup language

You can switch the language of Yummy Yam from french to english in config.toml with [params] language = "french / english". It changes the time format and texts in footer.