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Web is a minimalist router for Go to create web applications (server-side) without third-party dependencies. Web will always be compatible with the standard Go library; HTTP handlers have the same signature as http.HandlerFunc.


Web has a simplified, linear path-matching router and supports URI definition with the following patterns:

  1. /api/users - URI with no dynamic values
  2. /api/users/:userID
    • URI with a named parameter, userID
    • If TrailingSlash is true, a URI ending in '/' will be accepted, see sample.
  3. /api/users/:misc*
    • Named URI parameter misc, with a wildcard suffix '*'
    • This matches everything after /api/users. e.g. /api/users/a/b/c/d

If there are multiple handlers corresponding to the same URI, the request will only be handled by the first encountered handler. Refer to sample to see how routes are configured. You can access the named URI parameters with the Context function.

Note: Web Context not available inside special handlers.

func helloWorld(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
	wctx := web.Context(r)
	// URI paramaters, map[string]string
	params := wctx.Params()
	// route, the web.Route which is executing this request
	route := wctx.Route
			"Route name: '%s', params: '%s'",

Handler chaining

Handler chaining allows to execute multiple handlers for a given route. Chaining execution can be set to run even after the handler has written a response to an HTTP request by setting FallThroughPostResponse to true (see sample).


Web middlware allows you to wrap all routes with middleware as opposed to a handler chain. The router exposes the Use and UseOnSpecialHandlers methods to add Middleware to the router.

NotFound and NotImplemented are considered special handlers. The web.Context(r) inside special handlers will return nil.

You can add any number of intermediate programs to the router, the execution order of the intermediate programs will be LIFO (Last In First Out). E.g.:

func main() {
	router.Use(accesslog.AccessLog, cors.CORS(nil))
	router.Use(<more middleware>)

First CorsWrap will be executed, then AccessLog.

Error handling

Web context has 2 methods for set and get errors in the request context. This allows the Web to implement a single middleware where errors returned in the HTTP handler can be handled. set error, get error.

Helper functions

Web provides several helper functions. When using Send or SendResponse the response is wrapped in response struct Web and serialized as JSON.

  "data": "<any valid JSON payload>",
  "status": "<HTTP status code, of type integer>"

Using SendError, the response is wrapped in error response struct Web and serialized as JSON.

  "errors": "<any valid JSON payload>",
  "status": "<HTTP status code, of type integer>"

HTTPS ready

The HTTPS server can be easily started by providing a key and a cert file. You can also have both HTTP and HTTPS servers running side by side.

Start HTTPS server

cfg := &web.Config{
	Port: "80",
	HTTPSPort: "443",
	CertFile: "/path/to/certfile",
	KeyFile: "/path/to/keyfile",
router := web.NewRouter(cfg, routes()...)

Starting both HTTP & HTTPS server

cfg := &web.Config{
	Port: "80",
	HTTPSPort: "443",
	CertFile: "/path/to/certfile",
	KeyFile: "/path/to/keyfile",

router := web.NewRouter(cfg, routes()...)
go router.StartHTTPS()

Graceful shutdown

Graceful shutdown allows you to shut down the server without affecting live connections/clients connected to the server. Any new connection request after initiating the shutdown will be ignored.

func main() {
	osSig := make(chan os.Signal, 5)

	cfg := &web.Config{
		Host:            "",
		Port:            "8080",
		ReadTimeout:     15 * time.Second,
		WriteTimeout:    60 * time.Second,
		ShutdownTimeout: 15 * time.Second,
	router := web.NewRouter(cfg, routes()...)

	go func() {
		// Initiate HTTP server shutdown
		err := router.Shutdown()
		if err != nil {
		} else {
			fmt.Println("shutdown complete")

		// If HTTPS server running
		err := router.ShutdownHTTPS()
		if err != nil {
		} else {
			fmt.Println("shutdown complete")

	go func(){
		signal.Notify(osSig, os.Interrupt, syscall.SIGTERM)



Web exposes a singleton & global scoped logger variable LOGHANDLER with which you can plug in your custom logger by implementing the Logger interface.

Configuring the default Logger

The default logger uses the standard Go log.Logger library with os.Stdout for debugging and information logs and os.Stderr for warnings, errors, fatal events as io.Writers by default. You can set io.Writer and also disable certain log types with GlobalLoggerConfig(stdout, stderr, cfgs...).

Server-Sent Events

MDN has very good documentation on what SSE (Server-Sent Events) is.


A fully functional sample is available here.