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The goal of this project is to create a theme for Hugo usable for small, but text-heavy websites such as academic events or research groups.

The overall structure is stringly inspired by Atlas and Hyas.


  • Fast, lightweight theme with a minimalist aesthetic for small, but text-heavy websites.
  • Four menus: primary, home, footer, social
  • Two list styles: default and listSimple
  • Images are optimized and resized automatically.
  • Client-side search via FlexSearch.
  • Support for mathematical equations via MathJax.
  • SEO tags and featured images are added/created automatically.
  • Support for Netlify's headers and redirects.

See exampleSite/content/docs for more information.


The theme should be added as a module. To use it, create a new hugo site (hugo new site) and add the following to your hugo.yml:

  - path:

Also, you need to disable Hugo's aliases and add configurations for markup and outputs. The easiest way to do this is by adding the following to your hugo.yml:

# To use build-in support for Netlify's redirects
disableAliases: true

# Required, ToC and Markup config
  _merge: shallow

# Required, adds support for Netlify's headers and redirects
  _merge: shallow

Lastly, make sure that Dart Sass is installed and available on your PATH. To use the theme, NPM is not needed. However, some usefull scripts may be found in this project's package.json.


W210 is copyright © 2021-2024 Paul Hasselkuß. It is free software, and may be redistributed under the terms specified in the license.

W210 is using the General Sans font under the Fontshare EULA.