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MultiClaim dataset


More details about the dataset and our experiments can be found in our paper Multilingual Previously Fact-Checked Claim Retrieval.


  • cache - folder for intermediate results, such as models, result dumps, logs, etc.
  • config - folder for the configuration files reside.
  • drive - folder for datasets, vectors, etc.
  • src - folder for code that implement core functionality that is reusable. The code here should just provide an appropriate APIs for experiments.

Running code in the environment

  • Scripts should be run from the root, e.g.:
python3 src/datasets/

The src folder is added to the PYTHONENV environment variable, so that you can reference it anywhere in your code, e.g.:

from datasets.ours.utils import SOCIAL_MEDIA



  1. Add your wandb.config to the config folder, if you plan to use it.

  2. Copy the dataset files (three .csv files) into drive/datasets/ours

  3. Build your image. This might take a while the first time:

docker build . -t multiclaim


You can run a Jupyter Lab with:

docker run -p 8888:8888 -v ${PWD}:/labs -it multiclaim

If you want to use GPUs use --gpus all flag:

docker run --gpus all -p 8888:8888 -v ${PWD}:/labs -it multiclaim

You can use terminal built in Jupyter Lab, but you can also run standalone terminal with:

docker run -p 8888:8888 -v ${PWD}:/labs --entrypoint bash -it multiclaim

You might need to use --mount flag for Windows (This example also includes WandB config file, see below):

docker run --env-file ./config/wandb.conf --gpus all --name multiclaim --rm -p 8888:8888 --mount type=bind,source=${PWD},target=/labs --entrypoint bash -it multiclaim

Updating requirements

All the necessary python package requirements are in the requirements.txt, which is generated via pip freeze from within the environment. If you wish to install new or update existing packages, you can do this from the Jupyter Lab terminal via pip install commands. Then update the list of up-to-date packages via pip freeze --exclude torch-scatter > requirements.txt. is the original list of packages that was used for bootstrapping the requirements. If you want to add a new library that is not yet included, add it to the .in file as well.



  1. You need to have a WandB account in our your WandB instance.
  2. Generate your API key in the app by logging in, going to settings and generating a new API key in the API keys section.
  3. Create your wandb.conf file by following the example wandb.conf.example file available in the config directory.


  1. Use --env-file ./config/wandb.conf (in docker run command) to import the WandB related environment variables, e.g.:
  2. You can now start using wandb by using import wandb.

Evaluation and training


This will yield results for all-MiniLM-L12-v2 sentence encoder.

import os

from datasets.dummy.dummy_dataset import DummyDataset
from evaluation.embedding.vectorizers.sentence_transformer.sentence_transformer_vectorizer import SentenceTransformerVectorizer
from evaluation.evaluate import process_result_generator
from evaluation.embedding.embedding import embedding_results

dt = DummyDataset().load()  # Small debug dataset
cache = os.path.join('/', 'labs', 'cache', 'vectors', 'test')
vct = SentenceTransformerVectorizer(dir_path=cache, model_handle='all-MiniLM-L12-v2')  # create vectorizer that can calculate embeddings
results = embedding_results(dt, vct, vct)  # create result generator, that will start producing predictions for the dataset
process_result_generator(results)  # process the generator and calculate final metrics


An example of a training run. This will evaluate performance for Slovak, Czech and Polish data using the entire training dataset. Everything is running with the English version of the dataset.

from datasets.our.our_dataset import OurDataset
from training.backend import Config
from training.train import train

eval_languages = ['slk', 'ces', 'pol']

train_dataset = OurDataset(split='train', version='english').load()
dev_datasets = {
    f'dev_{l}': OurDataset(split='dev', version='english', language=l).load()
    for l in eval_languages
test_datasets = {
    f'test_{l}': OurDataset(split='test', version='english', language=l).load()
    for l in eval_languages

cfg = Config()
cfg.train.num_epochs = 30
cfg.wandb.project = 'experiment_1' = 'sentence-transformers/gtr-t5-base'
cfg.model.pooling = 'mean'
train(cfg, train_dataset, dev_datasets, test_datasets)