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Tools and configurations to virtualize batman-adv via Docker, Vagrant and Packer for tests, simulations and emulations.


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Tools and configurations to ease virtualization and containerization of batman-adv via Docker, Vagrant and Packer for tests, simulations and emulations. Included tools are also A.L.F.R.E.D and nvm (with node and npm installed).

Table of contents




Note: This docker image can be ran only on Linux machines and batman-adv kernel module must be enabled.

Note: You may need to prefix Docker commands with sudo, if it is not added to non-sudo group beforehand.

docker build -t batman-adv-virt . # Build the image
docker run --privileged -it \
    --cap-add=ALL \
    -v /dev:/dev \
    -v /lib/modules:/lib/modules \
    batman-adv-virt # Start the image

Optionally add --name container_name to name your container, --rm flag to delete the container after you're finished with it or replace -it with -d to start the container in detached mode instead of interactive.

To open up a bash for detached container, type:

docker exec -it (container_name) /bin/bash

To detach, press Ctrl-D.




To spin up vagrant box in virtualbox, run:

vagrant up --provider virtualbox

Or replace virtualbox with some other provider, just beware, that Vagrantfile considers one eth0 interface already exists and creates another eth1 for meshing.

To ssh into a box, run:

vagrant ssh

To detach from the shh, press Ctrl-D.

After you're finished, destroy a box by running:

vagrant destroy


To build a vagrant box with packer run:

packer build batman-adv.pkr.hcl

You can also change the builder, by replacing vagrant in batman-adv.pkr.hcl with some other builder. Available builders are:

qemu hyperv-iso azure-arm vsphere-clone amazon-ebsvolume
alicloud-ecs triton osc-bsuvolume docker googlecompute osc-chroot oracle-classic
parallels-iso oracle-oci openstack virtualbox-iso scaleway proxmox-iso
amazon-chroot vsphere-iso proxmox-clone virtualbox-ovf osc-bsu ncloud hcloud
hyperv-vmcx jdcloud parallels-pvm vmware-iso amazon-ebs ucloud-uhost lxd proxmox
vagrant file amazon-ebssurrogate vmware-vmx tencentcloud-cvm lxc oneandone
amazon-instance null virtualbox-vm yandex hyperone profitbricks azure-chroot
linode digitalocean azure-dtl osc-bsusurrogate cloudstack

Simulation example



Licensed under MIT licence, Copyright (c) 2022 Aleksa Milošević.