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Python API for the Turkish Language Foundation

tdk-py is a Python package that allows for simple access to Turkish dictionaries made available by the TDK, the Turkish Language Society. tdk-py aims to be easy to use and internally queries the TDK and parses its response into easy to use Python class objects.


tdk-py is supported on Python 3.6+. The recommended way to install is via pip which comes with Python.

pip install tdk-py

If your machine doesn't have Python and pip installed you can download it from The Python Software Foundation's website.

Sample usage

tdk.gts is used to access TDK's GTS, the up-to-date Turkish dictionary (Güncel Türkçe Sözlük).

>>> import tdk.gts
[<Entry 41635 (merkeziyetçilik)>] returns a list because it is possible for there to be more than one word with the exact same spelling.

>>> for number, entry in enumerate("bar")):
...     for meaning in entry.meanings:
...         print(number+1, entry.entry, meaning.meaning)
1 bar Anadolu'nun doğu ve kuzey bölgesinde, en çok Artvin ve Erzurum yörelerinde el ele tutuşularak oynanan, ağır ritimli bir halk oyunu
2 bar Danslı, içkili eğlence yeri
2 bar Ayaküstü içki içilen eğlence yeri
2 bar Amerikan bar
3 bar Hava basıncı birimi
4 bar Ateşten, mide bozukluğundan, ağızda, dil ve dişlerde meydana gelen acılık, pas
5 bar Halter sporunda ağırlığı oluşturan kiloları birbirine bağlayan metal çubuk
>>> # 5 different words! One of them (#2) has multiple meanings!

You can query suggestions for misspelt words or for other similar words.

>>> from difflib import get_close_matches
>>> get_close_matches("feldispat", tdk.gts.index())
['feldspat', 'ispat', 'fesat']

You can perform complex analyses very easily. Let's see the distribution of entries by the number of maximum consecutive consonants.

>>> from import max_streak
>>> from tdk.alphabet import CONSONANTS
>>> annotated_dict = {}
>>> for entry in tdk.gts.index():
...     streaks = max_streak(entry)
...     if streaks not in annotated_dict:
...         annotated_dict[streaks] = [entry]
...     else:
...         annotated_dict[streaks].append(entry)
>>> for i in set(annotated_dict):
...     print(i, len(annotated_dict[i]))
0 19
1 15199
2 73511
3 3605
4 68
5 5


tdk-py's source code is provided under the MIT License.

Copyright © 2021-2023 Emre Özcan