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This is an event-driven microservices architecture implementation running on docker containers.


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Event Driven - Microservices Reference Application

The primary goal of this sample is to explain following software-architecture concepts and container-technologies like:

  • Microservices
  • CQRS
  • Event Sourcing (Using Kafka)
  • Domain Driven Design (DDD)
  • Retry policy Dead Letter Topic (Queue)
  • Eventual Consistency
  • Custom Middleware for exception handling
  • Docker
  • Docker-Compose

Methods and tools to manage persistance and its transactions like:

  • SQL Server 2017 on docker (custom image which supports Full Text Search and Indexing)
  • Entity Framework Core for Command operations and Data Migrations
  • Dapper for Query operations

Load & Stress testing and monitoring Latency and Throughput :

  • Bombardier

Unit Testing :

  • XUnit

and for logging and log monitoring:




This repo contains a sample architecture simulates a order creation journey between Order Producer API service and Order Processing and Querying API Service. The system consists of the following parts.

  • Order Producer API - An API which accepts post request to transform NewOrder record and send it to Kafka Order topic.
  • Order Processing and Querying API - An API and a Hosted Service (As a background worker) which subscribes the Kafka Order Topic topic and writes Order record to SQL Server database. This API also offers Get requests to view the saved Orders.

How to set up and run the project

You can run the bellow command by navigating the /source/OrderProducer/OrderProducer.Api/ directory to build docker images for Order Producer API

docker build -f "Dockerfile" -t orderproducer_rc ..

and the below command from the /source/OrderConsumer/OrderConsumerQueryingService.Api/ for Order Processing and Querying API

docker build -f "Dockerfile" -t orderconsumer_rc ..

after building docker images of two microservices you can run the below command by navigating the /setup/ directory to run both 2 services, SQL Server and service bus enviroments (Kafka and Zookeeper) and logserver (seq)

docker-compose up

Load & Stress testing and monitoring Latency/Throughput

To test the application i use bombardier which is written in Go programming language to simulate many HTTP(S) request concurently sent from different clients.

You can run the below command by navigating /diagnostics/bombardier/ directory to build docker images for bombardier

docker build -t alpine/bombardier .

Let's start load testing using bombardier


You can run the below command using powershell or command prompt to make concurent HTTP POST request to Order Producer API. It simulates 50 http calls per second from 50 different clients during 100 seconds.

Running and result

docker run -ti --rm alpine/bombardier -c 50 -d 100s --rate 50 -m POST "http://host.docker.internal:5000/api/Order" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -f "orderEventData.json"
Bombarding http://host.docker.internal:5000/api/Order for 1m40S using 50 connection(s)Bombarding http://host.docker.internal:5000/api/Order for 1m40s using 50 connection(s)
[=====================================================================================================================================================================================================================================] 1m40sDone!
Statistics        Avg      Stdev        Max
  Reqs/sec        49.41      20.90     380.26
  Latency      166.28ms   262.52ms      2.70s
  HTTP codes:
    1xx - 0, 2xx - 4948, 3xx - 0, 4xx - 0, 5xx - 0
    others - 0
  Throughput:    38.61KB/s

Please see the random order content of HTTP POST request which extracted from /orderEventData.json/

  "customerId": 23982398,
  "customerName": "Emre",
  "customerLastName": "Alper",
  "customerEmail": "",
  "shippingAddress": "AgricolaStrasse 35, München, Germany",
  "billingAddress": "AgricolaStrasse 35, München, Germany",
  "currencyType": 1,
  "totalPrice": 240,
  "paymentMethodType": 1,
  "orderItems": [
      "itemCode": "10293098",
      "brand": "Jack Wolfskin",
      "type": "Parka",
      "size": "XL",
      "colour": "Black",
      "quantity": 1,
      "price": 240,
      "currencyType": 1

Use Case for Get and Full Text Search operations for Order record (Sql Server)

Please open the following url for Order Processing and Querying API to access swagger ui locally: http://localhost:5001/swagger/index.html


This consumer and querying app describes sample Search and Get requests :

  1. GetAll
  2. GetById
  3. FullTextSearch

1. GetAll

Sample request: GET /api/Orders

2. GetById

Sample request: GET /api/Orders/{id}

3. FullTextSearch

Sample request: GET /api/Orders/customerSearch/{text}

Log Monitoring

Error logs and also event logs are able to monitor (http://localhost:5341) using centralized structured monitoring (Seq)
