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ConnectIt Build Status

ConnectIt is a Web App Assignment, which aims to notify user about when certain event occurs. These Events include: a) When a new user follows him. b) When his stream successfully goes up/down

What it Does..??

  1. Connect through Twitch

  2. User is then showed the details we fetched from his Twitch Account.

  3. On this Page user has a Option to Opt-In/Opt-Out of Email notifications about:

    a) When a new user follows him. b) When his stream successfully goes up/down

What is Used to build ..??

  1. I am Using Django 2.0 in Backend, and Angular 5 in Frontend.
  2. For Signin Purposes, I am using Twitch OAuth2 Signin with scope of user-read.
  3. For Emails, SendGrid is my Best Friend.


  1. git clone
  2. Activate Python Virtual Environment, and run pip install -r requirements.txt from Base project folder.
  3. Make up a Twitch Dev Account with App Name any and Callback url as http://localhost:8000/complete/twitchat Twitch Devs
  4. Note up client id and client secret as provided in new Twitch App.
  5. Paste this client id and client secret in, preferabbly make this as Environment variable
  6. Similarly fill up SendGrid columns of EMAIL_HOST_USER and EMAIL_HOST_PASSWORD as SendGrid username and password respectively in


  1. The Project is also hosted on Heroku and live Demo is available at Live Demo
  2. Currently Subscription lasts for 10 days, if you need to continue subscription you need to re-subscribe it, or put a issue above there, and we together can automate this thing.

Enjoy!! Do Star it. :)