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Implementation of self balancing binary search tree data structure called Red-Black Tree. Based on interval tree described in "Introduction to Algorithms 3rd Edition", published by Thomas H. Cormen, Charles E. Leiserson, Ronald L. Rivest, and Clifford Stein.


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Package dan-on/php-interval-tree is an implementation of self balancing binary search tree data structure called Red-Black Tree.

Based on interval tree described in "Introduction to Algorithms 3rd Edition", published by Thomas H. Cormen, Charles E. Leiserson, Ronald L. Rivest, and Clifford Stein.


Operation Best, Average, Worst
Insertion O(log(n))
Search O(log(n))
Remove O(log(n))
Space O(n)

Installing via Composer

composer require dan-on/php-interval-tree


Interval Tree

insert(IntervalInterface $interval, mixed $value): void

Insert new pair (interval + value) into interval tree

use Danon\IntervalTree\IntervalTree;

$tree = new IntervalTree();
$tree->insert(new NumericInterval(1, 10), 'val1');
$tree->insert(new NumericInterval(2, 5), 'val2');
$tree->insert(new NumericInterval(11, 12), 'val3');

findIntersections(IntervalInterface $interval): Iterator<Pair>

Find pairs which intervals intersect with given interval

$intersections = $tree->findIntersections(new NumericInterval(3, 5));
foreach($intersections as $pair) {
    $pair->getInterval()->getLow(); // 1, 2
    $pair->getInterval()->getHigh(); // 10, 5
    $pair->getValue(); // 'val1', 'val2'

hasIntersection(IntervalInterface $interval): bool

Returns true if interval has at least one intersection in tree

$tree->hasIntersection(new NumericInterval(3, 5)); // true

countIntersections(IntervalInterface $interval): int

Count intersections given interval in tree

$tree->countIntersections(new NumericInterval(3, 5)); // 2

remove(IntervalInterface $interval, $value): bool

Remove node from tree by interval and value

$tree->remove(new NumericInterval(11, 12), 'val3'); // true

exist(IntervalInterface $interval, $value): bool

Returns true if interval and value exist in the tree

$tree->exists(new NumericInterval(11, 12), 'val3'); // true

isEmpty(): bool

Returns true if tree is empty

$tree->isEmpty(); // false

getSize(): int

Get number of items stored in the interval tree

$tree->getSize(); // 3


There are numeric and DateTimeInterface-based interval types included.

Numeric interval

use Danon\IntervalTree\Interval\NumericInterval;

// Instantiate numeric interval from array
$numericInterval = NumericInterval::fromArray([1, 100]);

// Instantiate numeric interval with constructor
$numericInterval = new NumericInterval(1, 100);

DateTime interval

use Danon\IntervalTree\Interval\DateTimeInterval;

// Instantiate DateTime interval from array
$dateTimeInterval = DateTimeInterval::fromArray([
    new DateTimeImmutable('2021-01-01 00:00:00'),
    new DateTimeImmutable('2021-01-02 00:00:00'),

// Instantiate DateTime interval with constructor
$dateTimeInterval = new DateTimeInterval(
    new DateTimeImmutable('2021-01-01 00:00:00'), 
    new DateTimeImmutable('2021-01-02 00:00:00')




Implementation of self balancing binary search tree data structure called Red-Black Tree. Based on interval tree described in "Introduction to Algorithms 3rd Edition", published by Thomas H. Cormen, Charles E. Leiserson, Ronald L. Rivest, and Clifford Stein.






