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SCM - SCMessaging

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SCM - Socket Cloud Messaging for Android | Socket.IO

Android push notification service based on io-session-handler

Building an own Android push messaging service to receive data messages in the background in real-time and alternate for Firebase Cloud Messaging.


Add the below dependency into your module level build.gradle file

implementation 'com.aslam:scm:+'

Make sure you have set usesCleartextTraffic to true in AndroidManifest.xml file


Simple Usage

Create a SCMessaging instance with context, socket server url and device token.

SCMessaging scMessaging = new SCMessaging(this, "", "user_token");

Implement onMessageData method to listen the server push messages.

scMessaging.setListener(new SCMessaging.Listener() {
    public void onMessageData(String data) {
        Log.d("onMessageData", data);

Finally call the connect method to start the socket connection.


Advanced Usage

Override all the methods in SCMessaging.Listener() to notify the program from more events as below.

scMessaging.setListener(new SCMessaging.Listener() {

    public void onMessageData(String data) {


    public void onConnect(String serverURL) {


    public void onDisconnect(String serverURL) {


    public void onConnectError(Exception ex) {


More Options

This is the constructor for passing more options to the Socket.IO engine, the options variable should be an IO.Options() object, if it's not included in your project, you can add the library in the build.gradle file.

IO.Options options = new IO.Options();
options.reconnection = false;
SCMessaging scMessaging = new SCMessaging(this, "", "user_token", options);
implementation ('') {
    exclude group: 'org.json', module: 'json'



Test the sample app that I made for you: SCM-Demo-v1.0.1.apk

Made with ❤️ by Aslam Anver