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✵ Tegachan ✵

Tegachan is an imageboard type discussion forum. It features dynamic app routing, styles that mostly utilize Tailwind CSS, light and dark mode themes, so far four discussion boards (Technology, Music, Outdoors, Random), and thread starter and reply posting forms. Image files that are uploaded with new posts, are hosted on Amazon S3 cloud object storage, and the posts themselves are inserted into a MongoDB Atlas document-oriented database.

Posting Rules On The Website

1. Be respectful

Arguments and criticism is allowed, insulting other posters may get you banned.

2. Do not incite

Incitation of violence is not allowed. Misinformation and disinformation is allowed up to a certain point, the threshold being that it does not incite or cause harm.

3. Do not post harmful links

Posting links for monetary gain through scams, or links that contain malware, is a bannable offense.

4. Do not post illegal content or links

This site uses services from countries in which e.g. child pornography is illegal. If you submit this type of content, your IP address will get forwarded to authorities and/or at the very least, you will get banned permanently.

5. Do not post extremely graphic images

Posting the following kinds of content is discouraged or might result in a ban: gore, hardcore pornographic images/videos and links to such content.

These sitewide rules exist to ensure an enjoyable experience and this site encourages submitting constructive, fun and interesting posts. Site rules and information are subject to change.

Site Information

How to post

You can submit a new thread on a board (for example on Music) and/or reply to others by clicking either the date or the post count number (preceded by “№”) on top of each post.

It is possible to reply to up to five other posters at a time, not counting the thread starter (OP).

How to contact an admin

As of now you can invoke an administrator simply by stating in a post that you wish to communicate with them. You will then get a reply as soon as possible.