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Identify pull request expected to be backported to the current 5.x release branch.
Pull requests that update a dependency file
Domain: Autocomplete
Domain: Autocomplete
Domain: build-system
Domain: build-system
Domain: DICOM
Domain: DICOM
Domain: i18n
Domain: i18n
Internationalization (language translation)
Domain: Segmentation
Domain: Segmentation
Domain: UI/UX
Domain: UI/UX
good first issue
good first issue
"Make simple things simple and complex things possible" - to improve Slicer usability
Priority: High
Priority: High
Significant problem or regression
Priority: Low
Priority: Low
Small, non-essential improvements or fixes
Priority: Medium
Priority: Medium
Issues that we plan to fix but there are available workarounds
Priority: Urgent
Priority: Urgent
Issues that need immediate attention, such as application crash or data corruption
Status: Awaiting Response ⏳
Status: Awaiting Response :hourglass_flowing_sand:
Waiting for a response/more information
Status: Draft
Status: Draft
This pull-request is not yet ready for integration
Status: Duplicate
Status: Duplicate
This issue or pull request already exists
Status: In Progress
Status: In Progress
Person who the issue is assigned to currently works on this
Status: Invalid
Status: Invalid
Not a problem or enhancement request, no changes are needed
Status: Question
Status: Question
Further information is requested
Status: wontfix
Status: wontfix
This will not be worked on
Type: Bug
Type: Bug
Something isn't working correctly
Type: Documentation
Type: Documentation
Issues regarding documentation
Type: Enhancement
Type: Enhancement
Improvement to functionality