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This repository contains a web application implemented with Spring Framework (Java). The application is a CRUD of an admin system available in spring-boot-adminlte project.

We use GitLab CI/CD & Heroku to execute the continuous delivery pipeline. You can found the GitLab version of this project here:

App deployed:



  • Java (version 11)
  • Postgres database service
  • Docker compose (optional)
  • Maven
  • Google Chrome

How to Install and to Run

In your computer, run the following commands to clone in your local machine:

$ git clone  
$ cd Admin-CI-CD

After this, we need to start database service. We will use Docker technology to do this. But you can use whatever database service you want. Otherwise, it's very important to have the same configuration used in application.yaml.

We are setting the file src/main/resource/application.yaml as following:

  • Database name: spring_adminlte
  • Database user: sa
  • Database password: root

Running database service with Docker compose (optional)

Since you have installed Docker compose, just execute the following instruction at terminal:

$ docker-compose up -d

It will be generated a database service container according docker-compose.yaml.

Running application

Since you have a database running in you local machine, you have the following set of available commands:

Command Information
To run the application on port 8080 mvn spring-boot:run
To generate project's build mvn clean package
To run end-to-end test (headless mode activated) mvn test
To run end-to-end test (with graphic interface activated) HEADLESS=false mvn test
To run tests and generate HTML test report (available in target/site/surefire-report.html) mvn surefire-report:report site -DgenerateReports=false
To run end-to-end test on staging environment SPRING_PROFILES_ACTIVE='staging' HOST='<protocol><your host>' mvn clean test

If the application is running, you will have only this user registered:

  • username: admin
  • password: 1234

Available Pages

Title Page URL Screenshots
Login http://localhost:8080/login Login Page
Dashboard http://localhost:8080/ Dashboard Page
Add Customer http://localhost:8080/login Add Customer Page
List of Customers http://localhost:8080/login List Page

GitLab CI/CD & Heroku

If you have cloned this repository, and you would like to execute the pipeline available on .gitlab-ci.yaml, you have:

  1. access the Heroku platform
  2. create two new Heroku app (staging app and production app)
  3. add Postgres as add-on
  4. get Heroku API Key from your account
  5. access platform
  6. create a new project
  7. choose the optionRun CI/CD for external repository
  8. import from GitHub
    1. For this, you will need connect your GitHub account with your GitLab account
  9. Create new variables in Setting -> CI/CD
    1. name: HEROKU_APP_STAGING; value: <name of your staging app>
    2. name: HEROKU_APP_PRODUCTION; value: <name of your production app>
    3. name: HEROKU_API_KEY; value: <heroku api key>

With the pipeline result is ok, then try to access your site in https://<HEROKU_APP_PRODUCTION>