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ARDUINO ESP32 mit TTGO color LCD 135x240 Display

How to install ARDUINO IDE nightly with on Linux

erase all old traces, then download, install and start it

rm -rf ~/Schreibtisch/arduino-ide* ~/.arduinoIDE ~/.arduino15 ~/.config/arduino* ~/.config/Arduino* ~/Arduino* /tmp/.arduino* /tmp/arduino* ~/.cache/arduino-ide-updater
mv arduino-ide_nightly-latest_Linux_64bit.AppImage ~/Schreibtisch
chmod u+x ~/Schreibtisch/arduino-ide_nightly-latest_Linux_64bit.AppImage 
~/Schreibtisch/arduino-ide_nightly-latest_Linux_64bit.AppImage & disown

Install Arduino IDE 2.3.0 on Windows

Download from here:

Start the installer, klick yes to everything.

Settings in Arduino IDE:

Menü -> File -> Preferences -> Language -> English
Menü -> File -> Preferences -> Show verbose output during compile und upload -> check
Menü -> File -> Preferences -> Compiler warnings -> Default
Menü -> File -> Preferences -> OK
Libary Manager -> TFT_eSPI -> search and install: TFT_eSPI by Bodmer ver 2.5.34
Libary Manager -> TFT_eSPI -> search and install: LovyanGFX by lovyan03 ver 1.1.12
Libary Manager -> TFT_eSPI -> search and install: NTPClient by F.Weinberg ver 3.2.1
Libary Manager -> TFT_eSPI -> search and install: HTTPClient by A.McEwen ver 2.2.0
Libary Manager -> TFT_eSPI -> search and install: ArduinoJson.h by B.Blanchon ver 7.0.3
Bords Manager -> ESP32 search and install esp32 by Espressif Sytems
Select Board and Port -> ESP32 Dev Module -CPU Frequency : “240MHz (WiFi/BT)”
-Core Degug Level : “Verbose”
-Flash Frequency : “80MHz”
-Flash Mode : “QIO” or “DIO”
-Flash Size : “4MB (32Mb)”
-Partition Scheme : “Default 4MB with spiffs (1.2MB APP/1.5MB SPIFFS)”
-PSRAM : “Disabled”
-Upload Speed: “921600”

config library:

Linux: pluma ~/Arduino/libraries/TFT_eSPI/User_Setup_Select.h
Windows: notepad %USERPROFILE%\Documents\Arduino\libraries\TFT_eSPI\User_Setup_Select.h
Line 30 #include <User_Setup.h> comment out with //
Line 61 #include <User_Setups/Setup25_TTGO_T_Display.h> delete "//" and activate


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