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Tera Finder Wiki

This is a PKHeX.Core based program that allows to view, edit and calculate Raids for Scarlet & Violet. This is the spiritual sequel of my SVXoroCalc. Both a standalone program and a PKHeX Plugin are available for use.


Raids in Scarlet & Violet are determined by a 32bit RNG seed, which the game uses to generate Pokémon details/stats and Raid Rewards based on its internal Encounter/Reward tables.

This tool allows users to calculate the results from given rng seeds, and eventually edit those seeds.

This means only legal edits are allowed. As such, users won't be able to create illegal/shiny locked Raids.

Features and Guides:


The editings I've done don't appear in-game:

Raids and Outbreaks are re-rolled every day. This means that if users were to edit an old save file, they would not be able to have the wanted raids/outbreaks. Users must use a Save File exported from the same day they want to inject/modify raids or outbreaks. Connecting online might also reroll seeds. If the goal is to share raids online, the suggestion is to backup the save File after connecting online at least once in that same day. If using the Connection to Remote Device, ensure to connect from the Title Screen, and only after having saved the game at least once in the same day.

The Launcher does not start:

  1. Ensure to have the latest NET Desktop Runtime 7.0. You can download it from Here.
  2. Launching the app from inside the zip might not work correctly. Please extract the files in a proper folder before launching the exe.
  3. Launching the app from a Cloud folder might not work correctly

The Calculator does not show up any results:

Mainly two causes.

  1. Ensure the encounter you want is feasable. Not all the Pokémon can be encountered in either Scarlet or Violet, as well as not all the Pokémon can be encountered in any Stars tier. Determined Encounters also have specifics Rewards. Not all the combinations are possible. Moreover, when users complete the Game, they will be locked out of 1-Star and 2-Star Raids. Meaning they can not encounter Tier1-2 Species anymore. I suggest this Serebii Page to check what encounters are available within the games.
  2. Increase the amount of Max Calcs. This is the number of results that the program will process. Your result might require an higher amount of calculations. This will require more time.

The Calculator doesn't list any Species for Events and Mighty Events:

Event Data is loaded from the save file or from the console's RAM, if Tera Finder is connected remotely. If there's no loaded data, the tool can not generate Event Raids. Users can eventually manually import the Event Data (known as Poké Portal News) with the News Importer.

The Raid Viewer / Editor fails to change a Raid into the "Event" or "Event-Mighty" Content Type:

Each Poké Portal News comes with up to 10 different Delivery Group IDs. These IDs are known as Event Index, and they're responsible, among other things, to the Raid's Species determination. When a Save File is loaded or a Remote Device is connected, Tera Finder does its best to determine the correct Event Index and show the right event Species. Do not edit a Standard/Black Raid into an Event/Mighty raid. Doing so would most likely break its Delivery Group ID. Tera Finder would still try to calculate a species for the edited raid, but it's likely to fail.

The Seed Checker fails to calculate a seed for a Pokémon caught during the latest Raid Event or

The Calculator fails to generate PK9 files for new Event Raids:

  • If you're using the Standalone Launcher, you need the Tera Finder Dev Build (instructions to download the Dev Builds here). You'll notice a bunch of DLL files. You'll have to replace the PKHeX.Core.dll file with the latest one from the PKHeX Dev Build (download available on Project Pokémon).
  • If you're using the Tera Finder PKHeX Plugins, you need to update the PKHeX executable to the latest Dev Build (download available on Project Pokémon).

N.B.: If Tera Finder doesn't start after updating to the latest PKHeX.Core dev build, it's due to some major changes the PKHeX APIs have had since the latest stable release. In this case you'll have to wait for a new stable release.

The program does not connect to the Remote Device:

  • Ensure to have installed correctly sys-botbase or usb-botbase and to follow carefully all the steps described here.
  • Tera Finder Remote Connection only supports the latest game version (currently 3.0.1).
  • The use of homebrews such as Edizon, Tesla Overlay, or Cheat Codes and Game Mods may shift your console memory. If you encounter connection problems, please disable all of those.
  • If the program still doesn't connect to the game, try saving in-game at least once and reboot your game.

Edited Mass Outbreak does not Spawn any Pokémon:

  • The game has basic integrity checks for Outbreaks data. Illegal data prevents any spawns to appear.
  • Check in this Serebii page if the Species you want is obtainable as a possible Outbreak.
  • Follow the Mass Outbreak wiki page carefully in order to obtain a legal Outbreak.

When using the Raid/Rewards Calculators the PC slows down and the CPU usage skyrockets to 100%:

  • This is normal. The program is designed to use all the available power your CPU has in order to calculate results as fast as possible. Don't run the Seed searches if you need to run other programs that requires a substantial amount of CPU power.


If you find any bug or you need support, feel free to contact me in my Discord server.

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