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💎🌟META LLAMA3 GENAI Real World UseCases End To End Implementation Guide📝📚⚡


  1. Efficiently fine-tune Llama 3 with PyTorch FSDP and Q-Lora : 👉Implementation Guide▶️

  2. Deploy Llama 3 on Amazon SageMaker : 👉Implementation Guide▶️

  3. RAG using Llama3, Langchain and ChromaDB : 👉Implementation Guide▶️

  4. Prompting Llama 3 like a Pro : 👉Implementation Guide▶️

  5. Test Llama3 with some Math Questions : 👉Implementation Guide▶️

  6. Llama3 please write code for me : 👉Implementation Guide▶️

  7. Run LLAMA-3 70B LLM with NVIDIA endpoints on Amazing Streamlit UI : 👉Implementation Guide▶️

  8. Llama 3 ORPO Fine Tuning : 👉Implementation Guide▶️

  9. Meta's LLaMA3-Quantization : 👉Implementation Guide▶️

  10. Finetune Llama3 using QLoRA : 👉Implementation Guide▶️

  11. Llama3 Qlora Inference : 👉Implementation Guide▶️

  12. Beam_Llama3-8B-finetune_task : 👉Implementation Guide▶️

  13. Llama-3 Finetuning on custom dataset with Unsloth : 👉Implementation Guide▶️

  14. RAG using Llama3, LangChain, Ollama and ChromaDB in Flask API based Solution : 👉Implementation Guide▶️