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File metadata and controls

32 lines (21 loc) · 938 Bytes

Amber Backend

This is the backend app of Project Amber, a task list app.

This is a basic Flask/SQLAlchemy app that takes care of syncing tasks between devices.


The config file is a JSON file that is loaded from either ./config.json or /etc/amber.json, whichever is found first.

Example config:

    "database": "sqlite:///file.db", // SQLAlchemy database URI
    // see
    "allow_signup": false // whether to allow /api/signup or not
    "loglevel": 0 // 0: errors, 1: warnings, 2: info

If there are environment variables AMBER_DATABASE / AMBER_ALLOW_SIGNUP / AMBER_LOGLEVEL set, the program will respect them and use over the values provided with the config file.


This app directly depends on flask, flask-sqlalchemy, and bcrypt.


See LICENSE.txt.