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End-To-End Monitoring

This page describes the end-to-end monitoring feature in KMinion, how it works, and what metrics it provides.


What is the issue? Why did we build this feature?

We can monitor metrics like CPU usage, free disk space, or even consumer group lag. However, these metrics don't give us a good idea of the performance characteristics an actual, real-world, client experiences when connected to the cluster.

With the "classic" metrics lots of questions go unanswered:

  • Can a client produce messages to the cluster?
  • Can clients produce & consume messages as well as commit group offsets with an acceptable latency?
  • Is the cluster in a healthy state from a client's perspective?

Approach & Implementation

How do we solve those issues? How does the feature work?

The most reliably way to get real-world performance and availability metrics is to actually run a producer/consumer ourselves. This is exactly what the end-to-end monitoring feature does!

High Level Overview

In order to determine if the cluster is fully operational, and it's performance is within acceptable limits, KMinion continuously produces and consumes messages to/from the cluster. That way we can measure things like ack-latency, commit-latency, and roundtrip-time.

KMinion creates and manages its own topic for the end-to-end test messages. The name of the topic can be configured.

The first step is to create a message and send it to the cluster.

  • Every produced message is added to an internal tracker, so we can recognize messages being "lost". A message is considered lost if it doesn't arrive back at the consumer within the configured time span.

The second step is to continuously consume the topic.

  • As each message arrives, we calculate its roundtrip time (time from the point the message was created, until KMinion received it again)
  • Consumer group offsets are committed periodically, while also recording the time each commit takes.

Topic Management

The topic KMinion uses, is created and managed completely automatically (the topic name can be configured though).

KMinion continuously checks the topic and fixes issues/imbalances automatically:

  • Add partitions to the topic, so it has at least as many partitions as there are brokers.
  • Will reassign partitions to ensure every broker leads at least one partition, and that all partitions' replicas are distributed evenly across the brokers. KMinion tries to assign partitionIDs to brokers that have the same broker id.

Consumer Group Management

On startup each KMinion instance generates a unique identifier (UUID) that is used to create its own consumer group. It incorporates the shared prefix from the config.

That is necessary because:

  • Offsets must not be shared among multiple instances.
  • Each instance must always consume all partitions of the topic.

The instances' UUID is also embedded in every message, so each instance can easily filter out messages it didn't produce. That's why it is perfectly fine to run multiple KMinion instances against the same cluster, using the same topic.

KMinion also monitors and deletes consumer groups that use it's configured prefix. That way, when an instance exits/restarts, previous consumer groups will be cleaned up quickly (check happens every 20s).

Available Metrics

The end-to-end monitoring feature exports the following metrics.


Name Description
kminion_end_to_end_messages_produced_total Messages KMinion tried to send
kminion_end_to_end_messages_received_total Number of messages received (only counts those that match, i.e. that this instance actually produced itself)
kminion_end_to_end_offset_commits_total Number of successful offset commits
kminion_end_to_end_messages_lost_total Number of messages that have been produced successfully but not received within the configured SLA duration
kminion_end_to_end_messages_produced_failed_total Number of messages failed to produce to Kafka because of a timeout or failure
kminion_end_to_end_offset_commits_total Counts how many times kminions end-to-end test has committed offsets


Name Description
kminion_end_to_end_produce_latency_seconds Duration until the cluster acknowledged a message.
kminion_end_to_end_offset_commit_latency_seconds Time kafka took to respond to kminion's offset commit
kminion_end_to_end_roundtrip_latency_seconds Duration from creation of a message, until it was received/consumed again.


Name Description
kminion_end_to_end_messages_produced_in_flight Number of messages that kminion's end-to-end test produced but has not received an answer for yet

Config Properties

All config properties related to this feature are located in minion.endToEnd.

    enabled: true
    probeInterval: 800ms # how often to send end-to-end test messages
      # You can disable topic management, without disabling the testing feature.
      # Only makes sense if you have multiple kminion instances, and for some reason only want one of them to create/configure the topic.
      # It is strongly recommended to leave this enabled.
      enabled: true

      # Name of the topic kminion uses to send its test messages
      # You do *not* need to change this if you are running multiple kminion instances on the same cluster.
      # Different instances are perfectly fine with sharing the same topic!
      name: kminion-end-to-end

      # How often kminion checks its topic to validate configuration, partition count, and partition assignments
      reconciliationInterval: 10m

      # Useful for monitoring the performance of acks (if >1 this is best combined with 'producer.requiredAcks' set to 'all')
      replicationFactor: 1

      # Rarely makes sense to change this, but maybe if you want some sort of cheap load test?
      partitionsPerBroker: 1

      # This defines the maximum time to wait for an ack response after producing a message,
      # and the upper bound for histogram buckets in "produce_latency_seconds"
      ackSla: 5s
      # Can be to "all" (default) so kafka only reports an end-to-end test message as acknowledged if
      # the message was written to all in-sync replicas of the partition.
      # Or can be set to "leader" to only require to have written the message to its log.
      requiredAcks: all

      # Prefix kminion uses when creating its consumer groups. Current kminion instance id will be appended automatically
      groupIdPrefix: kminion-end-to-end

      # Whether KMinion should try to delete empty consumer groups with the same prefix. This can be used if you want
      # KMinion to cleanup it's old consumer groups. It should only be used if you use a unique prefix for KMinion.
      deleteStaleConsumerGroups: false

      # Defines the time limit beyond which a message is considered "lost" (failed the roundtrip),
      # also used as the upper bound for histogram buckets in "roundtrip_latency"
      roundtripSla: 20s

      # Maximum time an offset commit is allowed to take before considering it failed,
      # also used as the upper bound for histogram buckets in "commit_latency_seconds"
      commitSla: 10s