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Abdullah Yousuf thecodeparadox
Backend heavy developer who loves Node, Laravel, RESTfulAPI, RDBMS, NoSQL, Redis, Tailwind/Bootstrap CSS, Angular, React, Design Patttern and System Arch.

Dhaka, Bangladesh

Sellakumar sellakumark
Senior Web Developer

@infosys Chennai

Fábio Pichler fabiopichler
C, C++, JavaScript, TypeScript, PHP, Java, C#, Lua, Ruby, HTML, CSS. Frameworks: Qt, Laravel, React, React Native, Vue.js, Bootstrap, wxWidgets, SDL2 e mais...

Hulha Negra / RS / Brazil

Hung Hoang hunghg255
Frontend at @agiletechvn

@agiletechvn Hanoi, Vietnam

Anas R. Firdousi afirdousi
ex @facebook / @apple / @paypal ---- Into AI/ML, Distributed Systems, Backend (Core & Infra), Frontend. JS / Python / C++ / C / C# / Java

Silicon Valley, CA

Daniel Mascena danielmascena
learning and coding 🔁

@tillster Gondor



Ashutosh Gaurav as-ga
Full Stack Developer | TypeScript | JavaScript | Python | 📚 Student @ IIT Madras

Lucknow, UP, India

Vinicius L. Diniz viniciusldiniz
Bacharel em Sistemas de Informação Dev. Front-End / HTML, CSS3, JScript, Node.Js, MySQL. Dev. Back-End em Formação / Java. Analista de Dados Jr.


Gajendra sahu FDgajju
Just gitting started. 🚀


Sam Morozov sammorozov
Data Scientist / Web3 dev / ex-Analyst in fintech 🇷🇺


YNSRC ynsrc
Electrical-Electronics Engineer
Stanislav Ilnytskyi ilnytskyi
Author of xDebug Chromium Trace Converter

OpenArtForge Kraków, Poland

Culture.Support CultureSupport
javascript , python , php , svelte , bash , linux , ssh , flutter, fortran , ansible , dom , jquery , terminal , vim

Culture.Support Sri Lanka

Jiho Lee DPS0340
Think Rust

@MondrianAI @SW-Maestro-OSS Republic of Korea

OTTILIE The Noble Miss NobleMissOTTILIE
I am the storm that is approaching


52Hz的鲸 samir-lab Group China · ShenZhen

Nicolas Paul nc0fr

Université d'Orléans France

Ricardo Santiago r-1c4rd0
In addition to the programming I like to seek walking inspiration by bicycle, basic components, which ensures a good quality of life and a lifestyle.
qishilong qishilong
Talk is cheap. Show me the code.
Saroj Dahal isarojdahal

@28softwares Lokanthali, Bhaktapur

Xun zhangxun-SCU
Computer Science major, Sichuan University, like to learn new things.

四川大学 中国四川省成都市

yifeng-chen yifeng-chen

EPAM China-Guang

Hamza Sajid Rusted2361
fn main() { let x = "Rust lover"; let y = "GitHub newcomer"; let z = "pasta devourer"; let generic_bio = format!("I'm {}, {} and {}.", x, y,z);
Aakash Sharma aakashsharma7
Always a Learner || PC Enthusiastic

Jharkhand, India

Prabhakar Kumar prabhakarkumar07
Motivated recent graduate with a strong programming foundation eager to contribute to dynamic IT teams. Seeking opportunities to grow .



Istanbul / Turkey

Nikita Kalitin BlackChaose
Engineer, software developer and just a good man.


Artyom Poleshko liminfinity
Frontend Developer

SibFU Krasnoyarsk, Russia

computer enthusiast
Piyush suthar 850304
Hello World , I Am Piyush Suthar , I want to be a full Stack Developer , Currently learning Reactjs . Let's connect and learn in Public

Jaipur, Rajasthan