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Abdullah Yousuf thecodeparadox
Backend heavy developer who loves Node, Laravel, RESTfulAPI, RDBMS, NoSQL, Redis, Tailwind/Bootstrap CSS, Angular, React, Design Patttern and System Arch.

Dhaka, Bangladesh


Asa Co. Tehran, Iran

T guntenaar Tguntenaar
Mobile / Typescript / Near developer

Consultant Developer Amsterdam

owner of chromebook-utilities and kohlslite

United Kingdom

Harris PhD-Harris
Master of the code cosmos (I hope), where errors / bugs fear to tread (please), and I set my own laws of coding physics (cheers)!

On my coding spaceship!

Sunil Kumar JioCreators


mtz MateusHBR
Brazilian Software Engineer in passion with Dart, Swift and Rust

@indaband Rio de Janeiro - Brasil

Yuchao Zhao YuchaoZhao
personal account

Amsterdam, Netherlands

sunry Sunry6
Coding for money.
Vitaly Sem Vir2S


furunze LeonardoGraceGeller
To be a good programmer

中原工学院 中原工学院

Mu Two 0xMuTwo
no alpha here, please look elsewhere.
Martin Ndirangu hartl3y94
Security Researcher

Hartley94 Kenya

Dev Gaurav Jatt devgauravjatt
😂 Only On JavaScript

dholpur and Jaipur, Rajasthan

Daniel Carvalho DanielPAdeCarvalho
All your base are belong to us...
Victor victormrtns
Computer Science undergraduate student at São Paulo State University (UNESP) , working at Linear, as a Full-Stack developer. Studying ReactJs,NestJs and TS.

Linear Softwares Matemáticos Remoto

Egor Andreev ItzVenskiy

Var Services San Andreas

Diego Alves Ferreira DieegoAlves
Coding is not only working, coding is a lifestyle. #InCodeWeTrust


Daniel Hill danielhill1982
Consulting and Conception - Logo and UI/UX Design - Software Development. Made with all the love in the world. 💛

Professional Hobby Nerd Sonneberg / Germany / Europe

chenzhiguo chenzhiguo
Every journey begins with a single step, but it aims for a thousand miles.


Ashwin Gopalsamy ashwin2125
Software Solutions Architect. You can also find me at my alter-ego: @ashwingopalsamy-solaris

@Solarisbank @ashwingopalsamy-solaris Tamil State, Indian Union

@bluntswordman bluntswordman
All About Ruby 💎

Palembang, Indonesia