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Patrick NII Patrick-NII
Data Analyst / Machine Learning / IA


Sebastian R.R.T. Brendler brendlers
A software developer blending engineering expertise with coding skills. Passionate about innovation and creating impactful solutions for a better tomorrow.

Berufsförderungswerk Nürnberg gGmbH Nürnberg

Scott Gibb ScottGibb
Software Engineer, Robotics Engineer, Maker and Tinkerer

Dyson Bristol

Michael.luo cos12a

wh toys 中国,广东,深圳

Tyler Hilbert Tyler-Hilbert
Former NASA, Qualcomm and AMD engineer
Elly Okello eoyugi
Learning web 3 at BlockMagic Hackathon , Chainlink Bootcamp ,Forbes Legal Pass . Learning all stuff Datascience at Datacamp


Kwangki Kim kwangki-kim
Control and Robotics Scientist

Department of Electrical Engineering, Inha University Incheon, Republic of Korea

Patrick Lewis AquaBearCo
My Personal & OSS Projects GitHub


YNSRC ynsrc
Electrical-Electronics Engineer
Eugene Ninja Yoshi1313
I am me, me is I, that is all...

Yoshi1313 Woodville, WI

Halil KEÇİÇİ kecicihalil34
Hello, I am Halil, I am a software developer who loves to research and learn.


Isaac Sluder isluder
Mechanical Engineering by Day, Data Science by Night