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İsmayıl Zahidli izahidli221
İsmayıl Zahidli @izahidli221 @Boy @Student @Dia The Academy of Public Administration under the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan

@baid Bakı, AZ

Sam Morozov sammorozov
Data Scientist / Web3 dev / ex-Analyst in fintech 🇷🇺


owner of chromebook-utilities and kohlslite

United Kingdom

Luke Simmons Skyluker4
I like computers.

The University of Arkansas Fayettville, AR

i have no mouth and i must beatbox
Evan Pacini evanpacini
19 years old and I've been programming forever since I was 7. I am not planning on stopping soon.

Dordrecht, The Netherlands

Ashton Davies AshtonDavies
Web developer & tech support. Android OSS enthusiast. Semi-advanced Scratch hobbyist. Experience with Chromebooks, fire tablets, TI calcs, & raspberry pi

Vancouver, Washington

BobSaidHi BobSaidHi
Member of the Wind Power Club at Cal Poly SLO. Former project lead for Mech Warfare in CP Robotics Club. Retired programmer and lead for @frc6506.

Cal Poly SLO California, USA

Kristopher Klauer klauerk
Tech 1 working in IT at Nordstrom in Dubuque, IA.

Nordstrom Platteville, WI

James Chubbuck jameschubbuck
doing things

James Inc. Earth

Expertcoderz Expertcoderz
A power user, systems enthusiast and casual developer.


Lythox Lythox-Supreme
A developper from France who mostly code in C# Unity, Scratch and JavaScript. I also play the piano and percussion in my spare time.


Danny Chou danchouzhou
I'm a hobbyist of electronics and Nuvoton's microcontroller.

NTUT Electronic Engineering Taiwan

JasonMo JasonMo1
Student, usually coding at Sunday, online after 8 p.m. on workdays.
Stephan Linz rexut

Li-Pro.Net Germany, Jena

I dunno I code games or somethin

United States

Alex Haynes alexdhaynes
Math student | Front-end Developer

Ithaca, NY

perko LoL123413
I like to build crappy unity games, stupid discord bots, and random websites. i love javascript ❤️
Jaysen Hippensteel jhippensteel
Literally Don't Know What I'm Doing

Elizabethtown, Pennsylvania

Godfrain Jacques kounkou
Just because you're doing a lot more, doesn't mean you're getting a lot more done. Vancouver

Pedro de Medeiros pvmm
Software developer, nerd, gamer, free software enthusiast. My repositories, issues and PRs are basically my brain dump. :-)

Brasília, DF

That_One_Nerd That-One-Nerd
Hey. I program some things sometimes. I'm very scatterminded. I'm good at C# but I know some other things too.

Aperture Science Innovators

Jeff Anema Jeffitus
I like to program TI Calculators. I know TI-Basic, C, and a little bit of (e)Z80 assembly.