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How to grant permissions to an external role created by Okta #105

Answered by littleK0i
jimmyzzxhlh asked this question in Q&A
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In my view, this integration method is generally useless.

  1. You most likely cannot customize CREATE USER statements.
  2. You still have to grant individual permissions to roles created by Okta.
  3. Okta wants to "own" users and roles it created.

You may consider using programmatic config instead.

  1. Define business roles first.
  2. Create a basic mapping of roles in Okta to business roles in SnowDDL config.
  3. In Python code connect to Okta, download list of users with Okta roles, apply mapping to business roles and generate UserBlueprints dynamically.

With this approach you will have full control over creation of users / roles / grants, while keeping Okta a single point of truth and ultimate source of …

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Answer selected by jimmyzzxhlh
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