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autoygg-server is an internet egress gatekeeper. It runs on an Yggdrasil node with internet (and/or VPN) access. It has a REST api that is consumed by autoygg-client for requesting access. The REST api endpoint is the Yggdrasil IP of the machine that runs autoygg-server, by default on port 8080. All traffic between the clients and autoygg-server happens via the Yggdrasil network.

On startup, autoygg-server sets up some rudimentary firewall rules, enables IP forwarding, enables Yggdrasil tunnel routing and adds an Yggdrasil local subnet. It then sets up an ip rule to send all traffic from the clients via a dedicated routing table, and finally sets the tunnel IP and netmask on the configured Yggdrasil interface. On shutdown, autoygg-server does its best to undo all those changes.

When an autoygg-client registers for internet access, autoygg-server uses its operating mode (see the specification) to determine if access should be granted. If so, it issues an IP address to the client from its configured range. It then instructs Yggdrasil to add a remote subnet for the client, at which point the client can route internet traffic through the gateway. Each client lease has an expiry time, and the client is expected to renew its lease before the lease period expires.


autoygg-server must be run as root.

autoygg-server requires a running Yggdrasil daemon.

In its default configuration, autoygg-server requires the yggdrasilctl, ip and iptables commands in its PATH.


Systemd unit file

autoygg-server ships with a systemd unit file.

File locations

By default, autoygg-server will accept parameters in two configuration files named server.yaml and accesslist.yaml, which can be located in /etc/autoygg/ or in the directory the autoygg-server binary is executed from. autoygg-server will automatically reload its config files when they change. With the exception of changes that affect the commands issued at startup, there is no need to restart autoygg-server after modifying its config file or accesslist. A few parameters may be specified as command line arguments. The complete list of parameters can be consulted by running autoygg-server --help, e.g.:

$ ./autoygg-server --help

autoygg-server provides internet egress for Yggdrasil nodes running autoygg-client.

      --dumpConfig   dump the configuration that would be used by autoygg-server and exit
      --help         print usage and exit

autoygg-server has a number of configuration options. To see the current configuration, use

autoygg-server --dumpConfig

All the commands used to configure firewall rules, ip rules, ip routes, and yggdrasil are configurable.


See the quick start for a configuration example.

VPN egress

autoygg-server has support for sending mesh traffic out via a VPN.

OpenVPN example: configure OpenVPN with these directives:

dev vpn0
dev-type tun

Then, to configure VPN egress in autoygg-server, set the GatewayWanInterface configuration option to the VPN interface vpn0. This will cause autoygg-server to add a default route via that interface to the mesh routing table (update the RoutingTableNumber config option to change the routing table ID). The GatewayWanInterface is also used in the firewall rules that autoygg-server sets up.

To avoid future routing table namespace conflicts, it is recommended to add the RoutingTableNumber ID to the /etc/iproute2/rt_tables file. This is optional, e.g.:

42      mesh

Finally, restart OpenVPN and autoygg-server. Please note: autoygg-server can only start up when the vpn0 interface exists.


autoygg-server stores client and lease state in a SQLite database. By default that database is stored at


The directory can be changed with the StateDir configuration setting.

Restarting and downtime

Because autoygg-server is not in the data path between its clients and the internet, it is relatively safe to restart autoygg-server. Existing clients with a lease will not be affected. During the restart, the REST api will not be available. Clients trying to reach the REST api will retry their requests automatically. In other words, only clients with an expired or no lease, trying to create a new lease, will experience downtime while the autoygg-server REST api is not available.